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Here are the positions booked as they shows



ENBD_CTR / 1400 - 1600 UTC by Tom Knudsen

ENKB_APP / 1400 - 2200 UTC by Marius Helstad

ENBO_APP / 1400 - 2200 UTC by Martin Georg

ENTR_CTR / 1600 - 2200 UTC by Trond Meier

ENBR_APP / 1600 - 2200 UTC by Jan Kristiansen

ENTO_APP / 1600 - 2200 UTC by Tom Knudsen



So here it is allready.. Not a bad sight for an unofficial fly in right ? Well we need a hole lot more guys...



These airports are requested and hopefully staffed by Friday

















So it seems we need 13 ATC still to get that Coast to Coast experience..


State your gratitude for your ATC training by booking one of these positions.. You descide time period, but please aim for at least 2 hours.


This list will be updated each day to Saturday morning.


United we control


Tom Knudsen




Helt glimrende om folk stepper opp.. Det er også flott for de som kan de å booke posisjoner, da det er lettere for folk å planlegge turer..


Uansett vi trenger også masse tower plasser som kan funke som AFIS... Artig det også innimellom..



AFIS har ikke vært en del av treningen for S1 og S2 iallefall så langt, så det er sikkert en del som ikke er helt sikker på hvordan en slik possisjon fungerer..


Nå har sikkert alle ATC'ene fått med seg Vaccsca's nye policy på AFIS flyplasser, men for de få som ikke gidder å lese Vaccsca's sider (fy!) tar jeg å quoter dem her:



  • AFIS airports (Aerodrome Flight Information Service) are in "real world" airports that have a tower providing advisory and flight information service (but not control service) at and around the airport.
  • AFIS airports are in VACCSCA handled as uncontrolled airports.
  • If both ATC and pilot is familiar with AFIS, they can agree to use AFIS procedures.


Service provided to flights at uncontrolled airports

  • Flights at uncontrolled airports will as far as possible, workload permitting, be provided with traffic information. If requested and if possible, other information such as weather reports can also be provided.
  • Traffic arriving to an uncontrolled airport is provided with information about known traffic operating at or in the vicinity of the airport.
  • Traffic departing from an uncontrolled airport is before departure provided with information about known traffic operating at or in the vicinity of the airport.
  • Departing traffic can be provided with ATC (route) clearence before departure, but is not provided with control instructions regarding movement on the airport (such as taxi or take-off clearence).

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