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Viser innholdet med flest omdømmepoeng den 09. des. 2021 i alle områder

  1. TBM 930 Oppdatering datert 7 Des.21 Nå virker start knappene igjen ! https://flightsim.to/file/8288/tbm930-improvement-mod
    3 points
  2. Mener jeg har gitt tips om dette før(?) Men her kommer en veldig lett tutorial. Merk at dette må gjøres for hvert eneste lys, dersom de ikke har samme høyde.
    2 points
  3. Og en drøss av nye bilder her: https://forum.pmdg.com/forum/main-forum/general-discussion-news-and-announcements/154788-09dec21-pmdg-737-for-msfs-cockpit-preview-images-and-some-cold-water-for-drama-llamas
    1 point
  4. Ja, viktig å blåse ut soten av pipa av og til 😂
    1 point
  5. ......kanskje var det airbrake`en som løsnet , neida, æ har ikke hatt problemer med å komme opp i hastighet, men har ikke prøvd meg på mach 2. Har bare cruiset mellom bakkar og berg utmed havet, kanskje på tide med å dra på skikkelig !?
    1 point
  6. Rare greier, jeg testet litt mer i går - opp til 40000-ish, fortsatt gikk den ikke fortere enn mach 1. Jeg klatret og sank litt og plutselig virket det som ett eller annet løsnet for da gjorde den plutselig mach 2 uten problemer. Da jeg nærmet meg flyplassen jeg skulle til gjorde jeg en low pass før landing, da gikk det plutselig fint å få en opp i 600 kts+ - tidligere har jeg sjelden klart å få den over 450-500 kts low level. Virket nesten som om det var noe som løsnet
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. I SDK heter de collision_red tror jeg. Ser ut som default røde varsellys men de "popper" først frem når man er helt nært. Har de bla på toppen av noen lysmaster. Når jeg er på avstand vises de ikke så jeg zoomer meg nærmere og så plutselig kommer de på. Når jeg da går tilbake i opprinnelig posisjon så vises de....
    1 point
  9. Ny update fra PMDG https://forum.pmdg.com/forum/main-forum/general-discussion-news-and-announcements/154537-08dec21-a-quick-round-of-updates-on-various-topics-across-pmdg-p3d-msfs-dc-6-737?fbclid=IwAR0VRLFlnY5n2CWmDCvnuumz-dXURb-6XXIP7Z16Zw4MTCLkDsks37mqo9k Pulling PMDG 737 for MSFS Release Timeline: This is a complicated topic that some folks will understand, and others will not. We have been planning for some time to release the long awaited PMDG 737 for MSFS prior to year end. We have made the difficult decision to remove the 737 release timeline from discussion temporarily. Tl;Dr: There are some changes and fixes needed on the MSFS platform that without, we cannot release the 737. We do not currently know when to expect those changes/fixes so we aren't comfortable putting a mark on the calendar until we have that information in our hands. That is an oddly shaped turn of phrase- and I want to explain a bit further what we are trying to convey: We are not just announcing a delay, or that we are moving the release timeline 30 days or 60 days or 120 days or 365. We are not saying the 737 won't release in January, February, or any other month in 2022. What we **are** saying is that we are putting a temporary hold on giving you any expectation as to when the release might happen because the release is going to be dependent upon some changes that we have requested from Asobo and we do not currently have any clarity as to when we might expect those changes to be made, if at all. If the changes will not be made, then we will be faced with removing some core functionality that we feel is important to the full enjoyment of the 737, no matter what platform you sim on. For that reason, we are hoping that our requests will be acted upon and we want to give the requests time to be digested, researched and understood by Asobo. Even if the changes we request are acted upon today- we will need to wait for them to wend their way through the testing and release process for MSFS, and such action and a timeline is unclear and thus we want to clarify that information before we simply move the 737 to a new date and hope things work out for the best.
    0 points
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