...Og bare for å trekke opp hypen igjen 😂:
Sitat fra https://fselite.net/news/microsoft-flight-simulator-information-vr-steam-edition-third-party-info-and-future-plans/
Whilst we have seen numerous developers confirm they are working on products, none have yet to be confirmed to be coming to the platform. However, Microsoft has confirmed that 414 developers have access to the SDK and building content for the sim. The team mentioned developers such as Aerosoft, Orbx, Gaya Simulations, PMDG, FlyTampa, Carenado and VATSIM.
During a press conference held by Microsoft, it is confirmed that Aerosoft is working on Trondheim Airport (ENVA) and Paderborn Airport (EDLP) and around 20 more by the end of the year. A few of these are due to be ready for launch.
Gaya Simulations
Four airports were confirmed to be in development by Gaya Simulations including Vienna International Airport (LOWW), Berlin-Tegal (EDDT), Zell am Se (LOWZ) and also Nagasaki (RJFU). These airports are already in the simulator.
Again, four airports were confirmed by Microsoft which are being developed for the new simulator by Orbx. These are Graz Airport (LOWG), Fairways Airport (OG20), Page Airport (WA67) and Saint Helena Airport (FHSH). Orbx was also confirmed to have helped Microsoft with creating many of the included airports in the simulator. Finally Orbx has confirmed to FSElite that they are bringing Innsbruck Airport (LOWI) to the simulator. Announcements will be made in the future from Orbx about other confirmed airport.
This is the first time FlyTampa has been confirmed to be working on the new flight simulator. In the presentation, only the air traffic control towers were shown highlighting what the team will be bringing to the table. Those air traffic control towers include Boston Airport (KBOS), Vienna International Airport (LOWW), Las Vegas (KLAS), Athens (LGAV) and Sydney Airport (YSSY).
Carenado (Aircraft)
Confirmed already to be working on the simulator, but we saw the Piper PA44 Seminole and the Mooney 20R Ovation.
Aerosoft (Aircraft)
Back to Aerosoft, and whilst we know they want to bring their products to the simulator, we saw an early render of the Bombardier CRJ modelled in the simulator. The modeller of the CRJ said they are “delighted with the tools and there can now be an unprecedented level of detail in the cockpits.”
PMDG (Aircraft)
We saw an older image of the Boeing 777, but not from within the simulator. However, it did look like an updated version as it had some PBR effects on it. Again, it is confirmed they will bring their whole fleet to the new Microsoft Flight Simulator.
World Updates
These will be free updates. With Bing updating all the time, Microsoft and Asobo will package up new data within specific areas and create new content for the simulator. This download will also include numerous hand-crafted airports, along with landing challenges and tutorials. The team want to inspire new simmers to fly into new areas. These updates will fall every 2-3 months.
Sim Update
These will be free updates that will bring new features and various improvements to the simulator. Again, they will be released every 2-3 months depending on how development goes.
Slik jeg oppfatter det, så vil simulatoren/spillet (what ever) oppdatere seg jevnlig uten at dette går utover lommeboka slik man har sett i nesten samtlige versjoner av P3D hvor man må betale for ny versjon med påfølgende utgifter for oppdateringer fra 3 parts utviklere for å holde tritt med utviklingen.
Selv så er jeg absolutt klar til lansering av nye Microsoft Flight Simulator og dens videre utvikling 👍.