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Som nevnt er det flysimulatoren Aerofly FS 2 (tysk kvalitet).  https://store.steampowered.com/app/434030/Aerofly_FS_2_Flight_Simulator/

Ellers bruker jeg Augustin Winther sitt 10M Mesh for Norge:  

Scenery er egenprodusert ved hjelp av et svært brukervennlig freeware program: AeroScenery.   


Flyet på bildene ovenfor er Duchess 76 fra Just Flight (payware).

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På 4.7.2019 den 12.15, Arild_Pedersen skrev:

Hvilken oppløsning bruker du på tiles, Gunnar? 16 eller 17?

Jeg har landet på "map tile 9 & zoom level 16 & output levels 9, 11, 12 & 13". Det er greit nok. Mindre datamengde - og hurtigere å lage scenery.

Denne testen gir en bra oversikt (jeg har valgt 2):


These are the following AeroScenery combinations I have found work reliably on my PC and produce good quality results when viewed in FS2. Times are only indicative of running time based on my PC's specs.


1. For map areas with no airport - gives VFR quality above 6,000ft

- Select map tile 9 & zoom level 15 & output levels 9, 11 & 12 (approx. 13mins & 1.1gb disk space per map tile selected)


2. For map areas with an airport - gives VFR quality above 3,000ft

- Select map tile 9 & zoom level 16 & output levels 9, 11, 12 & 13 (approx. 60mins & 4.4gb disk space per map tile selected)


3. For town areas near an airport plus anywhere under the aircraft flightpath - gives VFR quality below 3,000ft

- select map tile 13 & zoom level 18 & output level 14 (approx. 9mins & 790mb disk space per map tile selected)


4. For airport inner boundary (optional) - sharpens textures at ground level

- Select map tile size 14 & zoom level 19 & output level 15 (approx. 3mins & 151mb HD per map tile selected)


For a level 9 size map tile with an airport, I run 3 AeroScenery sessions (2, 3 and 4 above). I never run more than one instance of AeroScenery at a time, but this will produce as many GeoConvert sessions as map tile selected. Both CPU and RAM get maxed out with multiple GeoConvert sessions, but leaving the PC alone until its finished works just fine. I usually run AeroScenery with download, stitch, TMC & AID and GeoConvert all selected.

I also found that there is a limit to the number of GeoConvert sessions you can run at one time. For my system I can run 8 of 1 above and 10 of 3 above. No 2 above is quite labour intensive for GeoConvert, so I usually run these with just 1 or 2 map tiles selected at a time. As 4 above is just for the airport inner boundary I never need to run more than 4 map tiles together anyway. You could test just one or each above to see how your PC specs perform.

You haven't indicated what AeroScenery values you had selected. If going for the quality everywhere approach, with a selection of map tile 9, Zoom 18, and output levels 9, 11, 12, 13 & 14 selected, you may be asking your PC for too much. My testing indicates that this combination of values in AeroScenery would result in a processing time of > 12 hours and HD space required of > 100GB on my PC. So I stay away from this combination and only target quality where it is needed.

There are 3 scenarios I encountered that failed to produce any output:-

1. using zoom 18 or below with output level 15.

2. running with masks off with a stitched image with a transparency. Unfortunately AeroScenery doesn't indicate if it created a stitched image with a transparency.

3. Having too many GeoConvert sessions running at once. I was running 9 of 1 above and it didn't produce any data for the 9th map tile, but no errors reported.



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