PMDG har lettet litt på sløret og lagt ut noen bilder, samt tanker om fremtiden. Det er lang lesing, men han har som vanlig noen gode poenger å komme med. Vi som har vært med i Alpha, er fortsatt under NDA, så jeg venter litt med å dele det jeg mener, men hent deg en kopp kaffe og les innlegget her.
Turning Over Our Own Bowl of Milk:If you have ever raised a puppy, you will know that often the enthusiastic little buggers will dump their own milk out on the floor due to sheer excitement of seeing a new bowl of milk.In the sim community, we have been wistfully wishing for a modern platform for so long, that most of us can hardly contain our excitement that the wait is nearly over. Unfortunately, our community has a unique quirk in it’s personality that just has to be addressed honestly here. As much as we all enjoy our community and the friendships that come with it, there are some folks that are going to turn over our bowl of milk because it is just “what they do.”Brace yourself for this- and don’t fall into it.
PS: Han har også lagt ut en oppdatering for resten av flåten her.