ENBO 070950Z 26044G61KT 9999 -SHSN FEW008 SCT012CB BKN030 01/M03 Q0983 TEMPO 29055G70KT 1000 SHSNGS TS BLSN VV008
Decoded textual weather for ENBO
Wind: 260 at 44 knots gusting to 61
Visibility: 10+ SM (9999+ m)
Clouds: Broken at 1000 feet, Broken at 9000 feet, Broken at 14000 feet, Broken at 19000 feet
Temperature: 1,0C
Dewpoint: -3,0C
Precipitation: Heavy rain
Altimeter: 983 mb (29,03 inches)
Thunderstorms in the vicinity
This station includes complete surface weather information, interpolation disabled.