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Viser innholdet med flest omdømmepoeng den 09. mai 2021 i alle områder

  1. Tusen takk Dag, da er det ikke min rigg det er noe feil med 😃
    1 point
  2. Er nok mest sannsynlig enda en barnesykdom i MSFS.Importerte denne ruten fra Simbreaf og vifta er helt i orden den,men straks du endrer approach fra automatisk til noe annet så forsvinner den så ILS blir helt umulig å legge inn så lenge du ikke kan redigere ruten manuelt i MSFS,
    1 point
  3. Ser veldig lovende ut det der Kjetil.
    1 point
  4. https://github.com/Working-Title-MSFS-Mods/fspackages/releases/tag/g3000-v0.6.2 Latest version: v0.6.2 Description This is a mod for MSFS2020 that aims to improve the in-game G3000 and G5000. The goal is to bring functionality closer to the real-life units, with a focus on both features and layout/UI. This mod was created with cross-compatibility in mind. It modifies the minimum number of base files possible to achieve its goals, so it should be compatible with most other mods, including all other WorkingTitle mods. However, because of the nature of the mod, it will conflict with other mods that make changes to the G3000. Installation Download workingtitle-g3000-v0.6.2.zip from the Github release page. Do not download the Source code files unless you are sure you want those. To install, copy the workingtitle-g3000 folder from the zip file into your Community directory. Fixes [General] Fixed a bug with initializing airport data with no listed runways. [NavMap] While in TRACK UP mode on the ground, the compass arc's reference tick mark now correctly indicates the aircraft's current heading instead of ground track (which cannot always be reliably calculated on the ground). [Traffic] Fixed an error with ground track computation for traffic contacts. [PFD] Airspeed altimeter speed bugs are no longer mispositioned when airspeed is below the minimum indicated airspeed. [GTC] Fixed a bug where the Charts page would sometimes automatically change the selected airport after closing a popup or navigating back to it from the pan/zoom control page. Enabling Offline AI and SimConnect (e.g. VATSIM) Traffic The base sim only provides information on Live AI Traffic to JS/HTML instruments. As a result, by default the mod's traffic systems only support Live AI traffic. However, the mod provides the option to enable support for Offline AI and SimConnect-injected traffic using a third-party app. To do so, please complete the following steps: Download and install laurinius's MSFS Traffic Service app (https://github.com/laurinius/MSFSTrafficService). The app requires .NET Core 3.1 to run (https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download). Change the useTrafficService setting in the mod configuration file to true. Start the MSFS Traffic Service app and ensure that the service is running (this can be done before or after starting the sim). (Optional) Configure the port used by MSFS Traffic Service app by changing the port number within the app itself and changing the trafficServicePort setting in the mod configuration file to match. Not recommended unless the default port (8383) is not working and you know what you are doing.
    1 point
  5. Her er en liten video fra vår 1. mai tur over Stavanger, fjorder og fjell i sørvest Norge 1. mai. ATC kommunikasjon er med, og engelsk tekst er tilgjengelig.
    1 point
  6. Den der var absolutt en artig og utfordrende krabat👍 Rune_G
    1 point
  7. .... æ så også på "Skippy" og "M.A.S.H" og har noen vage minner om Bell-47 i Luftforsvaret, så denne nykomlingen måtte man selvsagt prøve. Litt uvant til å begynne med, men etter hvert ble den riktig så morsom å ratte. Perfekt for sakte sightseeing
    1 point
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