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Euroscope - Norway NATCON Sectorfile

Eivind Tollerød Fosse

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Jens Leo, prøv å slette Cache i IE.

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Då er ny sektorfil ute!






(Mange av disse var der fra forrige sektorfil, men nå er det kommet ordentlig inn i AIP)

MS700,702 703 704 705 706

NO402 NO403 NO404 NO405 NO406 NO410

SK532, SK533, SK534



WD SIG point:BO716, KOPIN, ML400, RY908, RY909, VA514

ENBO - SID, STAR, IAC revied

ENHD - SID, STAR, IAC revised

ENKB - SID 07 Revised.

ENRY - STAR, VAC revised

ENNO - TIZ realigned. NDB PROC withdrawn. RNAV procedure added

ENTO - STAR revised

ENSB - IAC revised (Changed name)

ENVA - Intersections Renamed

ENVA - ROSEB3L removed, KVB1L added, SOLKA1L added, SOLKA1M added.

ENAL - SID, STAR, IAC revised.

ENVR - One more RNAV APP added.

ENGM - RNAV procedures added

ENVA - ADC, PDC, SID, STAR, IAC revised. RNAV (GNSS) RWY 27 established.

GM801 no longer part of INREX1L

GM923 no longer part of BELGU1L


Following helipads added

ENLV - Stord Sykehus

ENXX - Namsos Sykehus

ENYY - Levanger Sykehus

ENZZ - Gjøvik Sykehus

XZEV - Evje

XZFR - Fredrikstad Sykehus



P600-luftrom (fra KLONN mot ENZV TMA):

Added new small-dash-dotted lines between positions:

582728N 0024304E to 584845N 0044324E

581918N 0025628E to 583916N 0044935E



Norsk Luftambulanse RNAV procedures added at:

ENAR - Sørlandet Sykehus Arendal

ENBG - NLA Bergen

ENHX - Haugesund Sykehus

ENKH - Sørlandet Sykehus Kristiansand

ENLV - Stord Sykehus

ENLX - Lørenskog

ENRX - Ringerike Sykehus

ENSX - Stavanger Universitetssykehus

ENTR - Sankt Olav's Hospital

ENUH - Ullevål Universitetssykehus

ENXX - Namsos Sykehus

ENYY - Levanger Sykehus

ENZZ - Gjøvik Sykehus

XZEV - Evje

XZFR - Fredrikstad Sykehus

ENLH - Lillehammer Sykehus



Updated airport ENSI with new position:

594233N 0105253E


Norway Control north removed, Bodø Control covers entire Bodø AoR


120.450 is now the primary ENGM_APP Frequency.


Changes in Oslo sector priority.


LoA updated.


Installation and Setup


1. Start Euroscope.

2. When Euroscope asks you to select a Profile, click [Cancel]

3. Click ”OPEN SCT” on the top bar inside Euroscope, and select ”Download Sector Files …”

4. Locate ”Euroscope main sector file provider” in the list, and make sure there is a green tick in the AUTO column.

5. Select ”Euroscope main sector file provider” and click [Download] in the upper section of the window and then [update].

6. There should now be an entry in the list named ”Vatsim-Scandinavia – Norway”, if you dont see it, try step 5 again.

7. Locate and click ”Vatsim-Scandinavia – Norway” in the list. Note: The filename give you the whereabouts of the files downloaded by Euroscope. This is the path where the downloaded sectorfiles. Note down or remember the path, it will be needed later in this guide.

8. and click [Download] in the upper section of the window, and then [update].

9. Now there should be a sector file in the list below named ”Norway – Vatsim-Scandinavia” Version 2011_05_v25.

10. Make sure there is a green tick in the ”A” box of the sector file. This means that Euroscope will activate the automatick download of this sector file each time euroscope starts.

11. Click [Download] , and as soon as the file is downloaded, the ”D” box will get a green tick. This means that the sector file is successfully downloaded.

12. Exit Euroscope, and countinue on either the ”2a” or the ”2b” section on the next page.




First time users

1. Start Euroscope

2. When asked to “Open a profile file”, browse to the path you noted down on step 7. And select “Norway_NC.prf”, click [Open].

3. If the “Sectorfile not found” dialog box shows up, click [Yes].

4. This should load the complete NATCON profile, including the plugin, ATIS and two ASR files.

Note: Remember that you will have to reconfigure the audio settings of euroscope after the update. That means the "push to talk"-key , "audio-in and audio-out devices" and squelsh/bassfilter have to be reconfigured


Users who want to use their own profiles, and just want to update the Sectorfile

1. Start Euroscope

2. When asked to “Open a profile file”, browse to the path of you own Profile file and select it, and click [Open].

3. Click Open SCT, and select “Load Sector file”.

4. Browse to the path you noted down on step 7, select the Norway_NC_2011_05_v25.sct file, and click [Open]

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Husk hotfixen for å få Euroscope til å oppdage den nye sektorfila:


HOTFIX for å laste ned øyeblikkelig: EuroScope er bygget på en sånn måte at den benytter Internet Explorer for å se etter oppdateringer til filene. Desverre er det innebygget en cache-funksjon i IE som gjør at det kan ta inntil 72 timer før du får beskjed om at nye filer er tilgjengelig.


En workaround er som følger: Åpne Internet Explorer' date=' og åpne denne URL: http://www.vatsim-scandinavia.org/euroscope/sectorfiles/norway/ENOR_sector_files.txt


Trykk så CTRL + F5. Du vil nå se at textdokumentet som vises er oppdatert til 2012_02_v27. Du kan nå restarte ES, og innen noen minutter vil du få beskjed om at en ny sektorfil er tilgjengelig.[/quote']

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Til info så ser det ut til å være en del mangler i den nye AIRACen fra Navigraph. Blant annet har Vigra fortsatt gamle SID/STAR, samt at mange av de nye fixes ikke eksisterer. Kjedelig :confused:


EDIT: Sjekka opp 10 tilfeldige nye SIG points i Norge; kun en av de var inne i PMDG AIRAC 1206.. Dette var dårlig

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AIP Norge er oppdatert til AMDT 0312.


Ny sektorfil kan om kort tid lastes ned via Euroscope.


Version 2.8 AMDT 0312


AIP AMDT 0312 implemented



ENAN - ATIS operational. STAR, IAC revised. RNAV (GNSS) implemented

ENBR - SID, STAR, IAC revised

ENHD - STAR, IAC revised. RNAV (GNSS) implemented

ENRA - IAC revised

ENML - RWY thresholds moved

ENSK - TIZ realigned. GLS PROC established

ENTC - SID, STAR, IAC revised. RNAV (GNSS) established.




SIG point KBFAP removed

Sector ENOR_N removed

Corrected radar shadow at Lillehammer area



Installation and Setup


1. Start Euroscope.

2. When Euroscope asks you to select a Profile, click [Cancel]

3. Click ”OPEN SCT” on the top bar inside Euroscope, and select ”Download Sector Files …”

4. Locate ”Euroscope main sector file provider” in the list, and make sure there is a green tick in the AUTO column.

5. Select ”Euroscope main sector file provider” and click [Download] in the upper section of the window and then [update].

6. There should now be an entry in the list named ”Vatsim-Scandinavia – Norway”, if you dont see it, try step 5 again.

7. Locate and click ”Vatsim-Scandinavia – Norway” in the list. Note: The filename give you the whereabouts of the files downloaded by Euroscope. This is the path where the downloaded sectorfiles. Note down or remember the path, it will be needed later in this guide.

8. and click [Download] in the upper section of the window, and then [update].

9. Now there should be a sector file in the list below named ”Norway – Vatsim-Scandinavia” Version 2011_05_v25.

10. Make sure there is a green tick in the ”A” box of the sector file. This means that Euroscope will activate the automatick download of this sector file each time euroscope starts.

11. Click [Download] , and as soon as the file is downloaded, the ”D” box will get a green tick. This means that the sector file is successfully downloaded.

12. Exit Euroscope, and countinue on either the ”2a” or the ”2b” section on the next page.




First time users

1. Start Euroscope

2. When asked to “Open a profile file”, browse to the path you noted down on step 7. And select “Norway_NC.prf”, click [Open].

3. If the “Sectorfile not found” dialog box shows up, click [Yes].

4. This should load the complete NATCON profile, including the plugin, ATIS and two ASR files.

Note: Remember that you will have to reconfigure the audio settings of euroscope after the update. That means the "push to talk"-key , "audio-in and audio-out devices" and squelsh/bassfilter have to be reconfigured


Users who want to use their own profiles, and just want to update the Sectorfile

1. Start Euroscope

2. When asked to “Open a profile file”, browse to the path of you own Profile file and select it, and click [Open].

3. Click Open SCT, and select “Load Sector file”.

4. Browse to the path you noted down on step 7, select the Norway_NC_2011_05_v25.sct file, and click [Open]



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Supert! Dere gjør en strålende jobb, tusen takk! :)


Men den røde firkanten mellom gate 22 og 30 på ENGM kan sikkert fjernes snart. Av det jeg vet ble disse gatene åpnet igjen for en god stund siden. Gate 17-23 og nr 179 derimot er helt borte nå. Også har det vel dukket opp noen nye cargo-stands... :)https://www.ippc.no/norway_aip/current/AIP/AD/ENGM/EN_AD_2_ENGM_2-3_en.pdf

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På nordsiden, 22-30 var iallefall i full drift når jeg var der i byrjinga av August.


Har selv endret fila til slik jeg mener den skal vere basert på bilder, aip og det jeg såg der. Vi får se om den består kvalitetsjekk :P


Skal se på cargo delen først, var sikker på at jeg hadde den med i en tidligere fil :P




Da har jeg lagt inn ny cargo/justering av gamle stands. Får ikke gjort noe med centerlines på cargo da jeg ikke bruker tid på å leite etter rett linje på kordinater. Vurderer om jeg skal lage en helt ny ENGM GEO/REGION, men det tar tid, som jeg ikke vil bruke per i dag.


Det området som den nye piren går ut ifra blir jo selvsagt stengt når det arbeidet begynner.


Til den som redigerer filene, så ligger det en txt fil i dropbox mappen min ;)

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dårlig og dumt spm, men hvilke innstillinger skulle gjøres for å få es i natcon style og ikke mathias?


ser for meg at jeg mangler noe på settings file setup men husker ikke. ES var i bruk da pc kuttet i går pga temp så jeg skulle gjerne hatt oppsettet tilbake i kjent stil.


nå er tag ukjent og dep/inbound og exit list i den grønne fasongen.


gjordt mange ganger før men det stoppa opp gitt!

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