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Heisann hoppsan.. Flott bilde!


Men hvordan er det med konvertering av texturer til FEX over til fs9, er det bare og ta teksturene og flytte de over til fs9 mappen eller er det mer som skal til...? Mulig å si noen ord om hva man må for å få de over til fs9? :)


Mvh Tommy

Easy guys just make sure you have installed DXTBMP or imagetool and FS9 and FSX + FEX.

Run FEX choose options cloud resolution 512*512 (max res for FS9) or 256*256 install your theme...


Then go to your FSX texture directory for example (your drive):\\Program Files\\Microsoft Games\\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\\Texture


Sort on file date you will have the cloud textures at the top copy those to an empty directory and open the textures with DXTBMP

or imagine tool (you could make a batch file) save them from DXT5 format to DXT3 or 32 bit.

Then make a backup of your original FS9/Texture directory and after that copy the new saved textures into the FS9/texture directory.


(the textures to copy cumulus01.bmp and all cirrus_* textures)

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