Werner Rafteseth
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Norwegian Eagles - Humanitarian Aid to Gaza!
Werner Rafteseth svarte i Ivar Skaugstads emne i VATSIM
Tar stand 179 jeg da. -
For mye likt Vatsim kanskje, men dette må man jo jobbe med. NEW-SATCO (:grin:) ATC REGULATIONS S1 After passing a written exam, a member can apply for ATC training. A instructor shall be given to the student, and when the instructor feels the student is ready to man a station alone, the student will have a checkout. If passed, the student can control any ground facility. S2 After 10 hours has passed since a controller has passed the S1 checkout, the controller can take a S2 written exam. When passed, the student can apply for ATC training. A instructor shall be given to the student, and when the instructor feels the student is ready to man a station alone, the student will have a checkout. If passed, the student can control any ground and tower facility. S3 After 15 hours has passed since a controller has passed the S2 checkout, the controller can take a S3 written exam. When passed, the student can apply for ATC training. A instructor shall be given to the student, and when the instructor feels the student is ready to man a station alone, the student will have a checkout. If passed, the student can control any ground, tower and approach facility. C1 After 30 hours has passed since a controller has passed the S3 checkout, the controller can take a C1 written exam. When passed, the student can apply for ATC training. A instructor shall be given to the student, and when the instructor feels the student is ready to man a station alone, the student will have a checkout. If passed, the student can control any ground, tower, approach and center facility. C3 After 50 hours has passed since a controller has passed the C1 checkout, the controller can take a C3 written exam. When passed, the student can apply for ATC training. A instructor shall be given to the student, and when the instructor feels the student is ready to man a station alone, the student will have a checkout. If passed, the student can control any ground, tower, approach, center and larger areas, for example the Eurocenter facilities.
Norwegian Eagles - Humanitarian Aid to Gaza!
Werner Rafteseth svarte i Ivar Skaugstads emne i VATSIM
Jeg ruller nok ut i en splitter ny MD11 Call: UPS773 -
Eivind, høyreklikk på kompasset (oppe i høyre hjørne). Flotte bilder av et nydelig fly!
Lørdagens flight strekte seg fra Miami Intl til St. Maarten, en tur på godt og vel 1000 nm. Dagens flightplan var som følger: SKIPS BR53V ZQA A555 DDP B520 JUICE Beregnet flytid var på to timer. Payload: 156.626 lbs Zero Fuel Weight: 430.000 lbs Fuel onboard: 60:000 lbs Takeoff Weight: 490.000 lbs På grunn av overraskende god medvind hele veien så landet jeg klokken 2251z i stedet for 2310z. Fuglen svidde av godt og vel 35.000 lbs fuel på turen.
Da var flyet akkurat installert, og det ser utrolig flott ut Nå skal jeg begrave meg i manualer, så da har jeg planen for helga klar
Min siste tur ble mellom Vigra og Oslo, med ATC hele veien. Flotte greier! Nå har allerede et mildt inntak av alkohol begynt, og jeg tror det er best å skru av datamaskinen
Han skrev jo grunnen, Paulo.
Tusen takk! Dette har jeg leta etter
Julebord kvelden før, så jeg tør egentlig ikke å sette meg opp på noe konsentrasjonsarbeid da
Eeeeh.... ¨ Betryggende :grin:
Alt - World - Go to airport. Når du har valgt gardermoen, så kan du velge gate fra en meny lenger nede. I følge vatsims reglement, så er det ikke tillatt å starte rett på en rullebane.
Jeg er helt klart med! Og denne gangen tror jeg at jeg skal bestille meg skikkelig overnattingsplass. Å kjøre 60 mil etter ei helg uten søvn anbefales ikke.