//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobes, 3=Navigation, 4=Cockpit, 5=landing, 6=taxi, 7=recognition, 8=wing, 9=Logo
light.0 = 8, -85.231, 23.611, -1.000, fx_PMDG_MD11_winglight,
light.1 = 7, -85.231, -23.611, -1.000, fx_PMDG_MD11_winglight,
light.2 = 2, -14.500, 0.00, -10.750, fx_PMDG_MD11_LL_Light,
light.3 = 9, -7.025, 0.00, 4.263, fx_PMDG_MD11_emerlights,
light.4 = 2, -28.5, .80, -10, fx_Shockwave_landing_light_narrow
light.5 = 2, -28.5, -.80, -10, fx_Shockwave_landing_light_narrow
light.6 = 8, -20.5, 8.5, -3.3, fx_Shockwave_landing_light
light.7 = 7, -20.5, -8.5, -3.3, fx_Shockwave_landing_light
to switch on the landing lights just switch on the wing lights (its the only posibillity to switch the landig lights L and R)