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Alt skrevet av Robert Hulthin
Bare å kjøre på nok av plass Lite plass ettehvert så kaster du ut det du ikke vil ha 😜
Er vel bare betatestere som har fått ned noe mere
22:00 UTC Albania, Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burundi, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Eswatini, France, Germany, Gibraltar, The Holy See, Hungary, Italy, Lesotho, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malawi, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Mozambique, Namibia, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Republic of North Macedonia, Rwanda, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Zambia, Zimbabwe
åå nei bare fordelen av å bli kvitt penga fortere 🤣🤣😜
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JA har vært med omtrent hele tiden så ja litt av en utvikling
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HOTFIX AVAILABLE 07/31/2020 A hotfix to correct overly dim displays and a missing instrument indirect lighting texture is available here: https://milviz.com/Online_products/Prod ... 1-2020.zip. Extract the contents of its P3Dv4\P3Dv5 directory to your P3Dv4\P3Dv5 directory, respectively.
er nå ikke såå store krav til PC Microsoft Flight Simulator recommended specs CPU: Ryzen 5 1500X / Intel i5-8400 GPU: Radeon RX 590 / Nvidia GTX 970 VRAM: 4GB RAM: 16GB HDD: 150GB Bandwidth: 20 Mbps Microsoft Flight Simulator ideal specs CPU: Ryzen 7 Pro 2700X / Intel i7-9800X GPU: Radeon VII / Nvidia RTX 2080 VRAM: 8GB RAM: 32GB HDD: 150GB (SSD recommended) Bandwidth: 50 Mbps
Her flyr han med cpu 4070 og 1080 kort er nok pga cpu det er stuttering men er heller ikke stort vær her her kjører han og med sliders rimelig på fullt så ...alt i alt lover bra ......... Maxed settings i7 4790k Quadcore 4.3Ghz Geforce 1080 Ti Founders Edition 32GB RAM
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Ny oppdatering som virker KA350i Version 1.1.34 Beta (V4 + V5) Post by Turbofandude » Fri Jul 24, 2020 3:56 pm Hello all, This update seeks to address a few snags we've seen recently. As was the case before, the high resolution and low resolution options are now included in the installer. You can select "Custom Install" and unselect the "High Resolution" features to install only the low resolution options. Note: If you have both V4 and V5 installed you must pick "Custom" install to select which simulators to install to ("Typical" is V5 High resolution ) Installer: https://milviz.com/Online_products/Prod ... 200724.zip
Med CDU V-speed på 139-141-144 så løfter den nesehjulet på 181 og liftoff på 185. for meg virker det som du ikke drar stikken til deg nok så du får tidligere liftoff maskinen akselrerer jo 40 kts fra v2 så tyder det på det Er ikke pilot annet enn pcpilot men Geir Haugmo er og ser han og mener det samme ...vær litt mere bestemt når du drar opp 😉 men ikke så mye at climb speed dropper 😉
Har du lest hele tråden ?
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Ny oppdatering lansert Hello all, We have updated the installer to fix some of the issues with the installation process! As was the case before, the high resolution and low resolution options are now included in the installer. You can select "Custom Install" and unselect the "High Resolution" features to install only the low resolution options. Note: If you have both V4 and V5 installed you must pick "Custom" install to select which simulators to install to ("Typical" is V5 High resolution ) Installer: https://milviz.com/Online_products/Prod ... 200716.zip
NY FMS data Manager så last ned den så du blir oppdatert https://navigraph.com/account/downloads/fmsdm
En ide å sjekke hva hovedkortet ditt kan takle kan være lurt 😉