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Jon Are Skaar

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Om Jon Are Skaar

  • Bursdag 04. sep. 1989

Jon Are Skaar's Achievements



  1. Jeg har nettopp kjøpt meg ny stikke, og ønsker derfor å selge min gamle Trust GM-2500 USB. Den ble kjøpt 23. mai 2006 til summen av kr 249, og har blitt brukt til fs9, il2 og falcon. Selve stikken er i fin form og har ingen defekter. Jeg er veldig fornøgd med kjøpet og har aldri hatt noe slags problem med stikken. Trust produktside . Hvis noen i det hele tatt er interessert i denne så send meg en pm eller mail på jonareskaar(at)hotmail(dot)com, så kan vi bli enig Jon Are
  2. Som Sunnmørsposten skrev om saken: "Trøbbel i tårnet" :grin:
  3. Jeg brukte fingeren på AES allerede i høstferien. Helt genialt opplegg synes jeg.
  4. Takk for alle svarene Satser på Maycomen, siden den er snillest mot lommeboken min. Er ikke nødvendig med det sinteste utstyret hele tiden Hvor god er rekkevidden på Maycomen? Kan jeg stå virkelig langt unna tårnet?
  5. Tusen takk for hjelpen :) Alltid hjelp å få her Det blir nok til at jeg kjøper den Maycom 108. Jeg har igrunn ikke noe behov for den andre modellen som du linket til. Trenger bare en helt ok scanner til spotting. På dittvalg.no selgte de den til 799,-, mens smartprodukter selgte den til 699,-. Er det noen som har noen erfaringer med de butikkene? Hvor er det lurest å kjøpe den? :confused: Tusen takk for alle svar
  6. Hei! Viss noen har en brukt radioscanner til salgs kan de kontakte meg på PM, mail (jonareskaar(at)hotmail.com), eller poste her. Er ikke så nøye på modell, men flybånd er et minstekrav Priser opptil 1000 kr. Takk for alle svar
  7. Heisann! Jeg kunne gjerne tenkt å blitt med på et LAN, men har desverre ikke høveleg data for øyeblikket :crazy: Hvis det blir noe av LANet kommer jeg gjerne en tur innom
  8. Va inn på Darwin Awards si heimeside (som forresten ligg HER) å fann ei meir eller mindre genial historie Meir om Darwin Awards kan dokke lese HER . Vekje heilt om dokke he høyrd den før, men e prøva me 4-1-0 Club (14 October 2004, Missouri) When Peter and Jesse wanted to see what their new ride could do, like many young men, they got more than they bargained for. It was all fun and games until the vehicle stalled. In most cases this wouldn't be a serious problem -- but Peter and Jesse stalled at 41,000 feet. You see, they weren't pushing the old man's car to the limit. They were flying a 50-passenger jet, a Bombardier CRJ200. Fortunately, there were no passengers aboard to share the fatal consequences. Jesse, 31, was captain of Pinnacle Airlines Flight 3701, and Peter, 23, was the co-pilot. They were transporting an empty plane from Little Rock, Arkansas to Minneapolis, where it was needed for a morning flight. They decided to see what that baby could do. Their fun began while ascending, as they pulled 1.8 G's in a maneuver that activated an automatic stall avoidance system. Then they decided to "forty-one it," take the jet to 41,000 feet--eight miles--the maximum altitude the plane was designed to fly. The thrust of the engines pressed them into their seats with 2.3 times the force of gravity as they soared ever higher, laughing and cursing in a friendly manner, ignoring the overheating engines, and the stick shaker that warned they were operating outside of safe aerodynamic parameters. At this point, Air Traffic Control contacted the pilots to find out what they were up to. A female controller's voice crackled over the radio: "3701, are you an RJ-200?" "That's affirmative." "I've never seen you guys up at 41 there." The boys laughed. "Yeah, we're actually a, there's ah, we don't have any passengers on board, so we decided to have a little fun and come on up here." Little did they know that their fun was doomed when they set the auto-pilot for the impressive climb. They had specified the rate of climb rather than the speed of the climb. The higher the plane soared, the slower it flew. The plane was in danger of stalling when it reached 41,000 feet, as the autopilot vainly tried to maintain altitude by pointing the nose up. "Dude, it's losing it," said one of the pilots. "Yeah," said the other. Our two flying aces could have saved themselves at that point. An automatic override began to pitch the nose down to gain speed and prevent a stall. Unfortunately, Jesse and Peter chose to overrule the override. Oops. The plane stalled. "We don't have any engines," said one. "You gotta be kidding me," said the other. Jesse and Peter still might have saved themselves. They were within gliding range of five suitable airports. Unfortunately, they did not reveal the full extent of their difficulties to the controller. They said that they had lost only one of the two engines. They glided for 14 full minutes, losing altitude all the way. As they drifted closer and closer to the ground at high speed, still unable to get the engines restarted, they finally asked for assistance: "We need direct to any airport. We have a double engine failure." Unfortunately, it was too late. "We're going to hit houses, dude," one of pilots said, as they desperately tried to reach an airport in Jefferson City. They missed the houses and the runway, crashing two and a half miles from the airport. Both men died in the crash. "It's beyond belief that a professional air crew would act in that manner," said a former manager of Pinnacle's training program for the Bombardier CRJ200.
  9. Kul video. Må ver draumejobben Men ka musikk spela dei etter U2?
  10. Tusen takk for utruli raske svar Et lite spørsmål til, før e gir me for kvelden.. Finst det noken bra P-3C/N Orion til FS9? Payware, freeware, same [*********]..
  11. Heisann! E berre lure på ka fly kystavakta bruka til overvåking av f.eks. fisking i Barentshavet osv? Tusen takk for alle svar
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