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Fly to see Santa 2009 - ATC staff needed!

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Hi to our friends in Sweden, Norway, Estonia and visiting controllers We are currently in deciding the date for FSS 2009 event. Possibledates are Saturday 12.12 or Saturday 19.12.

As I have told some of you we are short on staff.

This is the reasonfor one day event. I already have asked participation on the date of19th DEC from some of you...

But I just received information from our Greek friends who are participating our event for 9th time and theywould like to come on 12th of December.



We need help staffing EFES_CTR (ACC Southern Finland), EFPS_CTR (ACCNorthern Finland), EFRO_APP (Event field) and EFRO_TWR (Event field).Of course we need active ACCs to Sweden and Estonia.

Staffing isneeded for 6-8 hours with heavy expected traffic based on previous FSSevents.

Starting time would be something around 1500UTC -> Are you able to participate and help us on the biggest X-mas event on VATSIM?Which date you prefer or are both good for you?

What kind of help you could provide?


Pictures for previous event:

Check at least the first image: http://vacc.fi/df/files/vrc_5_192.jpg'>http://vacc.fi/df/files/vrc_5_192.jpg


DAY 1: Fly & See Santa 2008 [13-14.12.2008]http://vacc.fi/df/viewtopic.php?t=7321


DAY 2: Fly & See Santa 2008 [14.12.2008]http://vacc.fi/df/viewtopic.php?t=7410


I hope to announce the date or cancellation of the event by Wednesday 25th of November.


I hope to hear soon from you, --

Miikka Hult


VACCFinland http://vacc.fi


Hi again The date is set to be 19th of December.


Time are not yet defined butare most probably 1800-000UTC. Participating airports are EFRO and maybe EFKT.


Main alternate airportwill be ESPA in Sweden. I think I will publish first banners tomorrow....

Will keep you informed...


-- Miikka Hult


VACC Finland



For at det i heletatt skal bli noe "fly to see santa" i år er man avhengige av kontrollere. Om du har anledning til å bidra med ATC i Finland denne dagen, oppfordrer jeg deg til å delta! Dette er din gyldne mulighet til å få testet ditt egent stressnivå!


Hi everybody I have been in fewer and flu (not H1N1) and mainly in bed for a week(Still not yet recovered).

So now I am in a bit hurry with ATCpositions of Fly & See Santa 2009 event.

You have all reported that you might be able to help VACC Finland with ATC issues during FSS2009 event.

As you already know the event is heldat Saturday 19th of December between 1800-0000 UTC with heavy trafficall night long.

Now I am requesting your preferred positions for theevent (please report all positions that you think you are able tohandle) and what are the times that are good for you to be online(even short time will help).

Minimum ATC for the event will be four (4) controllers but that willbe really heavy for everyone.

For this case we will open 1 ACC, 1 APPand 2 towers for the event airports.

Minimum 4 ATC required 1800-0000 UTC:

EFPS_CTR, Rovaniemi ACCEFRO_APP, Rovaniemi APPEFRO_TWR, Rovaniemi TWREFKT_TWR, Kittilä TWR

Hopefully we could open also six (6)more positions to be fullyoperational and to be able to divide EFPS_CTR to two sectors and giveRovaniemi an arrival controller to help in final speed control.

EFPS_S_CTR 1800-0000

EFPS_N_CTR 1800-2200

EFES_CTR, Tampere ACC 1700-> EFRO_R_APP Rovaniemi Arrival 1800-2200(EFHK_APP Helsinki-Vantaa APP 1700->)(EFHK_TWR Helsinki-Vantaa TWR 1700->)

All ATC should be online latest at reported times but usually trafficflows have been arriving 30-60min before opening times. Helsinki willbe opened for shorter flights if all the other positions are allreadymanned during the event.

ATC will be provided an info package oftraffic handling during the event in the beginning of next week (Iwill have to translate it from finnish language first).


What to do:Please send email -> miikka{æt}vacc.fi report all positions suitable for youalso report times you are able to be online



Har forøvrig postet en post om ATC på VACCSCA forumet


Hi everybody


I have been in fewer and flu (not H1N1) and mainly in bed for a week

(Still not yet recovered). So now I am in a bit hurry with ATC

positions of Fly & See Santa 2009 event.


You have all reported that you might be able to help VACC Finland with

ATC issues during FSS2009 event. As you already know the event is held

at Saturday 19th of December between 1800-0000 UTC with heavy traffic

all night long. Now I am requesting your preferred positions for the

event (please report all positions that you think you are able to

handle) and what are the times that are good for you to be online

(even short time will help).



Minimum ATC for the event will be four (4) controllers but that will

be really heavy for everyone. For this case we will open 1 ACC, 1 APP

and 2 towers for the event airports.


Minimum 4 ATC required 1800-0000 UTC:

EFPS_CTR, Rovaniemi ACC

EFRO_APP, Rovaniemi APP

EFRO_TWR, Rovaniemi TWR



Hopefully we could open also six (6)more positions to be fully

operational and to be able to divide EFPS_CTR to two sectors and give

Rovaniemi an arrival controller to help in final speed control.


EFPS_S_CTR 1800-0000

EFPS_N_CTR 1800-2200

EFES_CTR, Tampere ACC 1700->

EFRO_R_APP Rovaniemi Arrival 1800-2200

(EFHK_APP Helsinki-Vantaa APP 1700->)

(EFHK_TWR Helsinki-Vantaa TWR 1700->)


All ATC should be online latest at reported times but usually traffic

flows have been arriving 30-60min before opening times. Helsinki will

be opened for shorter flights if all the other positions are allready

manned during the event. ATC will be provided an info package of

traffic handling during the event in the beginning of next week (I

will have to translate it from finnish language first).


What to do:

Please send email -> miikka@vacc.fi

and report all positions suitable for you

also report times you are able to be online




Miikka Hult


VACC Finland




Med andre ord - Sing up som ATC :)


Ja, jeg så det. tenkte på å la folk få se hele sannheten :grin: neida, men sing up folkens! Dette er ett utrolig artig event der det alltid er mye trafikk!

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