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Det er med dyp sorg,Jeg leste dette,å er det noen som har klart å hjelpe folk så er det de gutta her,som virklig har stått på å hjelpet andre.Jeg vil minnes de gutta som

som hjalp meg til å bli ATC på FPI fryktlig trist at dette

måtte sje



Leif Villadsen


Dear FPI Member


It has been with great pleasure that we have brought the FLIGHTPROJECT International

network to you over the past years. We have made many new friends

and had the opportunity to communicate with many outstanding individuals.

As we are all aware FPI has also been hit by hard times and we have always

done our utmost to revive the network for those loyal members while at the same time hoping to attract

many new members.


After many, many, many hours tossing out different possibilities we regret

to say that we, the Providers, have decided that it is in the best interest of everybody involved to shut-down the network at this

moment in time. With investments encountered, required manpower and continual technological developments needed to remain at the top

we are unable to continue to provide this level of commitment to our members.

At the same time we would like to inform you that we are

working on possible future developments and will naturally keep you informed.


It is not without a tear in our eye that we thank you for your excellent

commitment over all the years.

A very special thank you goes to those who never stopped

believing in FPI and placed both their own time and effort into acquiring

new members our Forum is now still available.


Best regards, - the existing Providers

Ralph, Rainer, Franki, Timo & Stefan


(also in name of the ex-providers)

Grant, Markus & Michael

dere som vil si farvel kan gjøre det på forum her



Jeg er ingen stor kjennskap, eller tilknytning til FPI.

Men som medlem av det største online nettverket for oss simmere, vil jeg tro at det er ennå tettere bånd blandt medlemmene i en mindre organisasjon.

Har dyp medfølelse for medlemmene av FPI som har mistet et oppholdsted og møteplass for personer med felles interesse og hobby!


Må få legge til at alle gamle medlemmer av FPI er hjertelig velkommen til å melde dere inn i VATSIM, og jeg er sikker på at dere vil få en hjertelig velkomst!

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