Jan Arild Gjemble Skrevet 27. april 2008 Skrevet 27. april 2008 I have been in Sikta the last week, just enjoying the spring and relaxing and trying to get contacts for further business in Sikta. I have been staying at Fly-In FishInn for the week and what a lovely place. Just look at the video presenting the place. Perfect for us bush pilots. This Friday i got a phone from Jeff, one of my new contacts here in Stika. He had a pilot calling in sick and he was in trouble because the same day he had to transport some machinery to Pelican and also due some research along the west coast of chichagof Island. There was some report of oil spill. I Needed to take the Twin Otter he told me. My own Beaver would not fit all equipment I needed to bring along and besides, if I was up to it he would pay me well to extend the trip both to Hoonah and transport a couple of police officers down to Tenakee Springs and also after a while all the way down to Angoon before returning to Sitka. He told me that I could do a stay over in Elfin Cove as he had arranged a fishing trip for me if I was up to it. This sounded to wild to be true, and I needed the hours in the Twotter, a airplane i loved to fly, both because of the STOL capacity but also because of the close contact with all your passengers. I wake up early on Friday morning and took a taxi down to the dock. And there she was, the beuty. I just have to start her up and get going. The weather forecast was great and I was eager to start. The plane was loaded and ready so after a few minutes I was on my way. Had a great view to Mount Edgecumb Climbing out of Sikta I did follow the shore and decided to turn to Pelican and follow the fjord, this would bring me straight on the target. After a quick unload of the delivery we continued up to Elfin Cove, I was looking forward for some fishing and a bit of relaxing in this beautiful weather. After a few minutes we could touch down in Elfin. Get out the fishing gear and go fishing! After a couple of days fishing I was ready to continue down to Hoonah. Just had to follow the east coast and the weather continued to bee good. Should be a piece of cake. Great weather and soon I was arriving Hoonah. Of course I had to wait for several hours for the police officers, they was out on a mission. In the meantime I did enjoy a good burger and some coffee in Hoonah. Finally they arrived and soon we was on our way to Tenakee Spring where the officers had to investigate a history of a stolen airplane I was told. It was starting to get a bit dark, and I was a little nervous if I would reach back to Sitka on Sunday night before darkness, but I checked the weather forecast and felt safe again with the twotter so I would probably do some night flying as well. And A Alaskan boing passed me pretty close as well.. the only drama on this trip. Docked and just waiting for the police officers to do their job while I get some more coffee. It was getting even darker when they returned, but we had to get to Angoon for more investigation. They would stay there for a couple of days and I just had to drop them of and then I could return to Sitka. It was a lovely afternoon and I just enjoyed the scenic views. Docking at Angoon and just headed straight to Sitka for a late dinner and a night chat with my friends at the Flyin Fishinn. And i'm sure my Beaver missed me Off to Sitka again. Had a fun day flying the Twotter Thanks for following my TGA Tour. Siter
Gjest Emil-André Gundersen Skrevet 28. april 2008 Skrevet 28. april 2008 MEget bra koste meg sikkelig med denne serien Siter
Ivar Skaugstad Skrevet 28. april 2008 Skrevet 28. april 2008 For en presentasjon! Både bilder og historie er virkelig med TAK I! Rett og slett en nydelig inspirasjon! :grin: Stilig video forøvrig, ga meg faktisk veldig mye i den forstand at jeg hadde lettere for å leve meg inn i storyen. Siter
Jan Arild Gjemble Skrevet 28. april 2008 Forfatter Skrevet 28. april 2008 Takker for positive tilbakemeldinger og glade for at dere liker både story og bildeserie. Jeg kan love mye mer fra denne kanten, ettersom det hele utvikler seg og vi beveger oss lengre og lengre inn i Alaska og selvsagt vil det følge med beskrivende historier. Vi er nå 4-5 stykker som flyr "The Great Alaskan Tour" og et par av oss har begynt å "sy" sammen historiene våre slik at det blir en sammenheng av det hele. Det å dele opplevelsene og gjøre dette sammen enten det er på Vatsim, IVAO eller multiplayer gir en enorm ekstra dimensjon til selve simuleringen og samholdet. Akkurat som du gjør med Norwegian Eagles, Ivar. Kjempegreie du har dratt igang. Jeg har blitt skikkelig fornøyd med oppsettet i FSX nå, har fin flyt rundt 25 FPS og bestilte igår Saitek Pro Flight Yoke System. Føler for å bringe enda en dimensjon in i FS. Neste jeg nå går å spekulerer på er TrackIR, men vi får se. Uansett, for de som ønsker å lese mer om det som skjer og de andre deltagerenes historier i "The Great Alaskan Tour" så kan dere gå hit: Alaskan Winds - The Great Alaskan Tour Takk igjen for flott feedback, det gir inspirasjon til å fortsette å poste Siter
Ivar Skaugstad Skrevet 28. april 2008 Skrevet 28. april 2008 Vi er nå 4-5 stykker som flyr "The Great Alaskan Tour" og et par av oss har begynt å "sy" sammen historiene våre slik at det blir en sammenheng av det hele. Dere har nettopp fått en ny pilot med på laget. Siter
Jan Arild Gjemble Skrevet 28. april 2008 Forfatter Skrevet 28. april 2008 Kanon Ivar! Alltid morro å få med nye folk, og dette er et forholdsvis "avslappet" virtuelt selskap uten krav om å fly så og så mye. Dette er rett og slett underholdning med med så mye realisme som hver og en ønsker Morro å få deg med på laget Siter
Ivar Skaugstad Skrevet 28. april 2008 Skrevet 28. april 2008 Blir spennende å være med! Har siden jeg fikk min nye PC vært totalt hektet på Alaska, har tilbragt noen timer bak PC skjermen med diverse videoer og bilder fra Alaska, samt en del flytimer på simulatoren. For første gang på lenge får jeg endelig oppleve at andre gir MEG oppdraget, ikke omvendt. Dette blir spennende, dere vil uten tvil se mye til meg i den kommende tiden, JEG GLEDER MEG! :grin: Siter
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