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Rune Gustafson

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Innlegg skrevet av Rune Gustafson

  1. Og den hotfixen medførte at simulatoren krasjet. Ble ikke lenger mulig å velge fly og å planlegge flyrute. Har avinstallert og reinstallert simulatoren for å få den opp og gå, nå for 7. gang i løpet av lanseringen. Jeg er drittlei hele MSFS2020. Bare for å ha nevnt det; alle addons var avinstallert før oppdatering 😞


    • Sad 1
  2. Den 31.3.2021 klokken 22.13 skrev cropduster81:

    Ny PC og clean install av windows.

    Har du installert alle tilgjengelige oppdateringer i Windows? Dersom Windows ikke er oppdatert før installasjon av MSFS2020, kan årsaken ligge her (for eksempel manglende oppdatering av directX filer og midlertidige skjermkortdrivere som legges inn ved første Windows installasjon)


  3. 18 timer siden skrev Jørn Jovik:

    Hei! Aliexpress selger disse billig. Ca. 1.000 kr med Pro clip. Frakten er gratis.


    Du bør nok være forsiktig med å servere slike opplysninger. Dette er straffbart, og kalles for dobbeltfakturering/dokumentforfalskning.


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    • Haha 1
  4. 13 timer siden skrev Andrew Thomsen:

    Hva skal jeg si. Jeg betaler gjerne for en payware flyplass, men da skal det grunnleggende tekniske være i orden, for ellers kan ingen fancy 3D modeller noensinne pynte på grunnleggende feil. Så jeg fortsetter å mekke på denne absurde lokasjonen som Aasland passe vittig påpeker.

    Flott at du fremdeles står på. Hilsen en flittig bruker av dine freeware i både p3D og MSFS.


    • Like 1
  5. Kaiii3 - AIG Technic Command Captain- gir en oppdatering 26. februar 2021 om progresjonen i utviklingen av AI Manager, sitat;

    "Hey Guys,
    time for a new dev-update regarding AIGAIM-OCI for MSFS:
    I will start with the good news first:
    Our team has made some huge progress regarding the model conversion, the models tested so far fulfill the high-quality standards we have for our users and it looks good that we can perform the changes on the other models as well. The main goal is to provide the same amount of features (animations, etc.) as in the FSX/P3D models.
    Repaints from FSX/P3D will work in MSFS without major problems, for repaints that need some changes we will provide a technical solution that will ensure the “old” repaints are working in MSFS in the same quality as new once.
    Over the last days our internal testers and some external users reported some findings regarding airport parking-spot usage. Based on this feedback we have now the option to plan for possible airport updates as well.
    Now to the not so good news (you can call them bad news – but that is up to you):
    The SDK incl. Documentation is still far from completed and our internal members are still struggling to find the perfect settings for AI aircraft, like we have in the older simulators. Currently it is more like try and error, and often it is a failure.
    Contact to ASOBO/MS:
    Many of you have asked if we have tried to get in contact with MS/ASOBO. We have tried our best and never got any response… The first contact was during the ALPHA/BETA phase of MSFS and the second mail was sent three weeks ago. We never received any response, not even a mail “thanks for your mail, we will get in touch.”
    We know that MS/ASOBO is working on their own liveries and models for AI – and they might do not want to work with us (and see us as a competitor…), but some kind of answer would have been nice. Since their models/repaints would need the same improvements/changes in the SDK we are asking for.
    We can and will work on a release of AIGAIM-OCI for MSFS, but as long as the internal AI-System is not improved I am sure the result will be far from what we would like to see in a new Simulator like MSFS."


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