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Robert Hulthin

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Innlegg skrevet av Robert Hulthin

  1. Fra manualen
    We recommend setting all control curves to linear, to allow for finer control response.
    The Kodiak has a very strong pull to the left at maximum power. When taking off, we recommend using 30-50% right trim. Reduce for a right crosswind, increase for a left crosswind.
    Take-off trim range in the Kodiak is 0 to 75% nose-down trim. More aft CG, more forward trim is required. As the G1000 in MSFS does cannot support the layout of the real Kodiak, we opted to include a white line on the trim wheel until the trim overlay is introduced. When the white line is pointing up vertically, trim will be centered. Rotating forward will trim down and rotating back will trim the nose up. The percentage of trim will be 50% when the line is pointing down. When the line is pointing down, trim is at 50% of travel.
    To ensure a smooth flying experience, when preparing to trim the aircraft for any phase of flight:
    1. Set torque to the desired value with the power lever
    2. Pitch for trim
    3. Pitch for rudder to centre the slip indicator
    4. Pitch for roll if required. Higher power settings will require aileron trim.
    When making a turn with the aircraft trimmed, use the rudder pedals to centre the slip indicator. Cross-steering (movement of the yoke opposite to the rudder) may be required depending on the amount of rudder used.

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  2. 03:06] Chris (Z-7): @everyone, we apologize, but there’s a bug with new v0.10.0 NXi package that launched on the Marketplace this evening that impacts three aircraft – specifically, the startup sequence related to electrical circuits on the DA62, the Caravan and the PC-6. On these aircraft there will be red X and shading over several components of the PFD along with the AHRS alignment message.

    If you fly these aircraft, we recommend not updating to v0.10.0 of the NXi just yet. Other G1000 equipped aircraft behave as expected.

    We apologize for this and a fix will be forthcoming, we’ll update here with more details as we work it out. Thanks for your patience.

    [19:28] Matt (nishmaster) [Z-5]: Hello @everyone, we now have the 0.10.1 hotfix available on the Marketplace, which fixes issues with being unable to proceed past bootup on certain aircraft. As always, this is an Early Access Opt-In Beta, so there may be bugs or missing features! Please give us feedback and reports on Discord in our nxi-early-access🥩 channel.

    Head to the sim Marketplace to grab the NXi, or go to Content Manager to download the update.

    You can find the full (and tiny) release notes here: https://www.workingtitle.aero/packages/nxi/2021/12/10/nxi-release-v0.10.1.html

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