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Tom Stian Bjerk

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Alt skrevet av Tom Stian Bjerk

  1. Joe has worked with the Roger Wilco authors at Resounding Technology, Inc. to fully integrate Roger Wilco into SB. Thus, users will not have to start Roger Wilco separately. The best news is that sound channel ("room" in 'net terminology) selection will be accomplished automatically as each SB user double clicks a new frequency in the ATC selection list Det hadde vært helt topp ihvertfall .. [image]http://www.flightsim.no/ubb/images/icons/wink.gif[/image] btw: den Midi sangen på SATNET kunne de ha spart seg for .. :] ------------------ Tom Stian Bjerk http://www.flightsim.com/fly/" TARGET=_blank>www.flightsim.com/fly/ The unofficial FLY! web site.
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