introducerede i går deres nye Premium model. Det er der ikke noget forkert i. Men det er kombineret med denne Terms of Service, som fratager udviklerne rettighederne til deres upload for tid og evigt.
(4.3) Licenses you are granting us: By submitting or posting User Content to the Service (either directly or through a Third Party Service) you grant this Site a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, sublicensable, assignable, unrestricted, worldwide license to use the User Content, together with all consents or waivers (if any) necessary to distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, transmit, communicate to the public and modify the User Content, by any means and in all media formats and channels now known or hereafter devised in perpetuity, and to advertise and promote such use, without further notice to, or permission from, you or any other person, and without compensation or reference to you or any other person.
Dette er uacceptabelt som udvikler. Jeg forsøgte i går at fjerne Global AI Ship Traffic fra, men det blev nægtet fra
Vi er nu en række udviklere, som er gået samme om at boykotte - vi vil ikke uploade nye filer til og vi anbefaler at ingen brugere betaler for den nye Premium subscription.