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Innlegg skrevet av O85_

  1. Hei Vegar. lenge siden :)


    Streamer på liveatc driftes av en entusiast på Abildsø i Oslo.


    For å få bra mottak kreves en god plassering av antennen. Gjerne på en høydetopp etc.


    Når det gjelder GND,  TWR på engm så burde mottakeren være i nærheten... Jessheim, Eidsvoll, Nordkisa, Råholt er fine lokasjoner

    Men der bor ikke jeg:)



  2. Per, we like this, but the main sticking point is going to be the use of the software, ie ES.. they will need a quick crash course on how to use it, that means mentor time..


    Hvis den som innehar gyldig CID sitter ved siden av og veileder hele veien, så skulle vell dette være greit?


    Kan ikke helt se for meg at flygelederne gidder å sende inn kopi på attester og diverse, bare for å prøve seg på Vatsim èn kveld...

  3. Tar opp igjen en gammel tråd.

    Jeg lagde for noen år siden et .pdf dokument som forklarte hvordan man kunne legge inn de forskjellige VFR frekvensene. Dokumentet ble publisert på vaccno eller vaccsca, men kan ikke finne dette igjen.


    Jeg har nå satt sammen en oppskrift på dette ved bruk av private voice rooms i Squawkbox.


    The main purpose to enable private voice rooms is to simulate real world procedures along with local procedures, and

    to give VFR-pilots in Uncontrolled airspace a useful voice communication channel.




    How to enable voice-rooms:



    1. Start squawkbox


    2. Go to Start > Options > Voice


    3. Enable private voice push to talk key (The key must ne different than the primary PTT-key) then click Ok


    4. Go to Start > Private Voice > Favorite Channels > Edit Favorite Channels


    5. Click "ADD" button and type in the information as seen below.


    6. Click Ok.



    Description: VFR under Oslo TMA

    Server: voice.vatsim-scandinavia.org

    Channel: 122.000


    Description: VFR G-class ENOS

    Server: voice.vatsim-scandinavia.org

    Channel: VFR_ENOS


    Description: VFR G-class ENSV

    Server: voice.vatsim-scandinavia.org

    Channel: VFR_ENSV


    Description: VFR G-class ENBD

    Server: voice.vatsim-scandinavia.org

    Channel: VFR_ENBD


    Description: Kjeller Traffic

    Server: voice.vatsim-scandinavia.org

    Channel: 119.100




    Remember that private voice doesen't replace the official unicom text-channel 122.800!


    And therfor i strongly suggest that you have the frequency 122.800 in you COM1

    radio at all times when flying in uncontrolled airspace.


    VFR guide for Norway is located here:



    Noen som har noe å tilføye?

  4. VATSIM-Scandinavia would like to invite you to ‘Scandinavian Shuttle !'.

    This event is a continuation of our last year ‘Scandinavian Triangle’ event that attracted a lot of traffic into our airspace.

    This year Finland is joining Denmark, Norway and Sweden in order to provide its best service at Helsinki Vantaa airport.

    Expect Helsinki Vantaa, Copenhagen Kastrup, Stockholm Arlanda and Oslo Gardermoen to be fully staffed by Scandinavian’s best controllers.


    ‘Scandinavian Shuttle !’ will take place at 17th February starting at 1700Z and will last until 2100Z, so join us and fly between Scandinavia’s most wonderful cities.

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