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Daniel Ørdal

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Alt skrevet av Daniel Ørdal

  1. Daniel Ørdal svarte i andreas nærbøs innlegg i et emne i Kaffekroken
    Jeg føler meg litt for ung til å poste alderen min nå, da jeg er veldig ung, men nå vet jeg at jeg ikke er alene: 14 :whistle:
  2. dc-9 og md-80 serien
  3. Biene er jo farlige :grin: Var det ikke en hendelse for ikke så lenge siden, der en bie satt seg fast i en av pitot tubene da?
  4. Fett, har i mårra
  5. Daniel Ørdal svarte i Tom Knudsens innlegg i et emne i Kaffekroken
    Det eneste man kan gjøre nå er jo å le, likte kommentaren etter landinga
  6. Flyselskapene jeg kan huske jeg har fløyet med (Ikke eksakt antlall) Norwegian Wideroe Scandinavian Airlines Braathens + Braathens SAFE Singapore Airlines KLM + Cityhopper Cebu Pacific Philippine Airlines + Et noen jeg ikke husker
  7. Daniel Ørdal svarte i Einar Angelsens innlegg i et emne i Kaffekroken
    , dæ kor bra edita
  8. gratulerer til dere alle
  9. den gikk på tv i går
  10. Daniel Ørdal svarte i Roger Johannessens innlegg i et emne i Kaffekroken
    Dette var det som skjedde I want to provide everyone with a non-technical view of what took place yesterday and last night so that some of the rumors that are already starting to spread are corrected. During the early evening yesterday, we noticed that some alarming things were starting to happen on our servers. The first sign of an issue was that some functionality disappeared on our web server. That progressed to not being able to access the web server via FTP or SSH. Finally, the web/forum server tripped offline. Next the library/email server started to exhibit issues. We went in to reboot it, and that is when it failed entirely. The partitions on both of the servers had been removed. We shut down both servers until we can get a technical member up to our Network Operations Center (NOC), and do a comprehensive inspection of the damage. I have seen some rumors and speculation already on the various forums in the community, and I would like to make sure that everyone knows the facts. Here are some: Early in the evening, I sent out a bulk email to all forum members letting them know that we anticipate shutting down the Web/Forum server for a period of time. About a third of the way through the process of sending that email to all 60,000 forum members, the hacker succeeded in bringing the server down. The email was did not get sent to everyone. The reason I sent the email, based on what we knew at that time, was because that a minimum, we would need to shut the web/forum server down to inspect the unit and do repairs. At the time the email was sent, we were unaware that a hack was in progress and that our system would be taken offline entirely. There were no hoaxes involved, as some have asserted. Kilde: Avsims midlertidlige forum