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Robert Hulthin

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Alt skrevet av Robert Hulthin

  1. DA vet jeg ikke men goggle det kan gi svar
  2. Skjedd for meg og på AAlesund ORBX men forsvant senere ... vet ikke om airac kan påvirke noe her
  3. Sant nok men bedre å få noe stabilt enn noe som hikker her og der
  4. update delayed igjen https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/sim-update-15-delayed/640816 Due to new issues discovered in last week’s Sim Update 15 beta build (WASM “missing content” error, Xbox stuttering/freezing), SU15 will no longer release on 5/7 as we continue to investigate and work towards resolution. Today, participants in the SU15 beta will receive a new update ( which fixes the WASM “missing content” error introduced in as well as a handful of other issues (including DX12 aerial pop-in). We are continuing to investigate the Xbox stuttering/freezing issue, which is related to the recent GDK update. In the interim, enabling rolling cache (instructions below) should reduce the likelihood of encountering stuttering/freezing for most simmers on Xbox. Please note this is not a fix for the issue, and it is still possible to encounter it with rolling cache enabled. We aim to have a fix for the Xbox freezing/stuttering issue by next week (which will be flighted as soon as possible). Our sincere thanks to everyone who raised these issues and provided detailed repro steps. Your information has been a huge help in our investigation thus far. How to Enable Rolling Cache on Xbox: From the title menu, navigate to General Options > Data > Rolling Cache Settings. Set Rolling Cache to ON For the Rolling Cache Limit, we recommend 8 GIB or better.
  5. Ny oppdatering https://flightsim.to/file/62060/entc-troms-airport-langnes?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3IB6fZ2Z3x0B_6uImsZUHrczGlbEb0lejZF10DGrLB-txy365Hmq7bkaU_aem_Ae7_xDEMafHLXh8xU1336CJZRAlIl4zQdaqrTlPd07RS2r5akAAPQYSYg96K7-BtTJpqbztIqe8uP8kIu0BAMn0-
  6. Update https://flightsim.to/file/73307/engk-arendal-gullknapp-airport
  7. Bare hyggelig å hjelpe ....... Mange som har hatt samme problemet men funnet ut at denne veien som regel virker
  8. Gå inn på apper bruk avanserte alternativer tilbakestill og eller reparer Regner med det gjør susen ..........;-)
  9. For GSX brukere Kopier GSX filen til GSX C:\Users\ditt navn\AppData\Roaming\Virtuali\GSX\MSFS
  10. Microsoft Flight Simulator Live Dev Q&A – April 2024 Recap
  11. Kom over denne
  12. det kan du C:\Users\ditt navn \AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache Se på bildene så endrer du til din nye mappe der jeg har merket teksten
  13. Etter den videoen så er jeg overbevist om at simmen leverer best til nå
  14. Noen som har testet Active sky ????
  15. Kom nå frem på ORBX i går om det er en opppdatering av den versjon vites ikke
  16. Da kommeer den https://fselite.net/content/hifi-sim-tech-announces-active-sky-fs-for-msfs/
  17. Update https://forum.pmdg.com/forum/main-forum/general-discussion-news-and-announcements/289852-06apr24-777-update-and-important-737-notam
  18. Som regel riktig det, det enkleste er helt ok
  19. https://flightsim.to/file/71935/enhf-hammerfest-airport
  20. https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/sim-update-15-delayed/635719 Hi everyone, As you may know, Sim Update 15 was initially targeted to be released tomorrow, March 26th. After careful consideration, the Sim Update 15 release will now be moved to April with the exact date to be determined. Your feedback has helped us identify issues that we would like to continue to work on, so many thanks from our team for your detailed reports and efforts. Our beta testing will continue during this time, and forum discussion can be accessed here: Sim Update 15 Beta. We thank you for your patience and understanding and look forward to its release! MSFS Team
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