Roar Eli Sandøy Skrevet 12. september 2000 Skrevet 12. september 2000 Mange av dere vet sikkert ikke hva Eagle Air og deres turer er, og her kommer en liten briefing om hva som kommer til å foregå fra deres side de neste månedene (de første 11-12 leggen er i norge, der de jobber seg nedover kysten fra Batsfjord til ENZV-ENCN-ENDI før de stikker over til sverige) Eagle Air sine turer er en event som foregår hver uke, første flight på onsdag kl 20, med replay/samme tur på søndager kl 21 De flyr VFR, i en mer eller mindre tett formasjon, der formasjonsleder formidler kontakt med atc, og de andre flyr med SQ standby, for å unngå at det blir for masse clutter på scopet. De skal således ikke være gjenstand for seperasjon fra atc sin side, og mitt råd til dere som kontrollere om dere møter de online, er stort sett å la de få fly i fred, de har ferdige flygeplaner, og de flyr med en relativ god "selvjustis", dvs de holder seg i den formasjonen så godt som SB MP tillatter det (innen en 5-15 nm normalt). Skulle annen trafikk komme og bli en faktor, så blir det opp til den enkelte kontroller å avgjøre hva som skal gjøres, men så langt som mulig føler jeg at de bør få fly sine flyturer med minst mulig intervensjons fra atc, bortsett fra kooridnering med formation leader (normalt callsign PH-AJO, men det kan variere etter om ton out er tilgjengelig eller ikke) Dette er og en utmerket anledning til å delta som piloter - det er en internasjonal gjeng, og kommunikasjon vil foregå på englesk, pilotene snakker seg i mellom på unicom (123.45) med unnak av formation leader, som koordinerer med atc om nødvendig. For mer informasjon, se i brevet som ble mottatt fra ton out, kopi under -- Roar Sandoey SATNOR2 Training Director VACC Norway ( > Hello Scandinavian VACC Directors > > Since 1996 Fred Huisman and me organize weekly flights under the flag of > Eagle Air Eurotour. > We started using Fly by Wire but when SquawkBox was introduced we used > this fantastic program. > These weekly flights are VFR flights of 1 to 1.5 hour endurance, where > the participants take off, fly and land in a more or less tight > formation, following a weekly issued flight plan, in the meantime > improving their flying skills, enjoying the scenery and above all the > casual chat during the flight. Generally small a/c are used, speed max. > 220 kts. Participants come from all over the world, per flight varying > between 5 and 20 pilots. > > As you can read on the Eurotour web site (address below), we visited in > the past The Benelux, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and France, did a > replay of the 1934 Melbourne race, and the last tour covered Iberia, > Morocco and the Canaries. In the past we also already made a tour over > Scandinavia, but that was still in the Fly by Wire period. > Since then new excellent scenery for the various Scandinavian countries > was created and a general wish of the participants was to make a new > tour over Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland. A concept flightplan for > the tour is already published on the web site. > > ProController however could create complications. A controller is not > used to get requests for formation flights of a (sometimes) big group > and when a/c fly close together his brite screen colors red from the > alerts. To overcome these problems we used in the past the following > procedure: > The formation uses the frequency 123.45 for the communication between > each other. To avoid the red alerts on the brite all participants, with > the exception of the formation leader, have their squawk disabled. The > formation leader sends his flightplan. All communication with ATC is > done by the formation leader only, by opening a private chat channel > with the controller (eventually that could also be accomplished by voice > communication). He will relay all ATC instructions to the group on the > 123.45 frequency. Keeping in mind that we fly VFR at low altitudes the > need for ATC guidance could be minimal. > > My request to you is that you agree with this procedure and that you > inform your controllers about it. In the past we had some nasty > experiences with controllers who were not informed and refused formation > flights and demanded that all participants would contact him separately. > > I forgot to tell that participation is open for any (decent) pilot and I > hope to welcome more Scandinavian simmers during our tour over your > beautiful countries. > > Awaiting your answer, > > greetings > > Ton Out > -- > ICQ 5470972 > Home page Eurotour:"'>" TARGET=_blank> > SATEUR11 > Visit SATCO Europe at"'>" TARGET=_blank> ------------------ Roar Sandøy" TARGET=_blank>VACC Norway" TARGET=_blank>"Irc for Dummies" Siter
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