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Bare lurer på hvilke erfaringer dere har med  VR-briller i sim.

Har lurt litt på HTC Vive, men vet at det kommer flere merker på markedet til høsten.


Har pr i dag FSX på Steam så vet ikke helt hvordan dette vil virke.


Holder selv på å flyr/kjører en del med PSVR, kun på Playstation altså.

Kan med hånda på hjerte si at å sitte i en cockpit i VR er en helt fantastisk opplevelse jeg vil anbefale alle å prøve ut.

Når det kommer til P3D/FSX anbefaler jeg at du skjekker ut denne videoen, Froogle har god peil på det viktisgste som rører seg innen FS.



Jeg har ordna lån av psvr neste uke[emoji2]

Har war thunder, men hypp på å prøve andre spill og. Kransim, gran turismo kanskje. Noen som har gode tips?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Jeg vil personelig anbefale deg Dirt Rally og Apollo 11 VR, Resident Evil 7 demoen er også bra, om du ikke kjøpe hele spillet.

War Thunder er desverre ikke kompatibelt med PSVR enda :-[

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Takk for videoen! Skjønner at basillen jobber seg inn i kroppen her når slike muligheter er tilstede  ;D


Holdt en finger på HTC Vive før jeg så videoen her, men nå ser jeg at Oculus Rift er faktisk mye bedre enn jeg trodde. Vive er vistnok hakket bedre, men er usikker på om det er verdt de 3 ekstra lapene.


Her er noen erfaringer fra brukere av flysimulatoren Aerofly FS2:


I've been using AFS2 with my CV1 for a few months now and for me its the VR killer app, and that includes _all_ my Oculus library titles. What impresses me the most is the use of PBR lighting in the cockpit and how you can almost reach out and touch the rivets and screws. Nothing I've used in the CV1 comes close to giving me that sense of 'being there' like AFS2 does.

During the last week I've been trying a few other titles and spend a lot of time searching for other interesting games but nothing comes close to AFS2. Dirt Rally is nice for a ride or two every now and then, ETS2 is becoming boring already (and runs bad) and nothing else out there seems to be of interest... but AFS2 is great all the time. Luckily, because I bought the Rift specially for AFS2.

The sense of being there is indeed great. A game like ETS2 looks fake in comparison, too cartoonish, it's obviously a computer game. But AFS2 really gives you the idea you are flying. Don't know of it is the light or the texturing or the dimensions or the photoreal, but whatever it is, it works. When I am flying, I am really somewhere else. Soooooo relaxing!

If you have an Oculus or Vive, GET THIS GAME NOW!


I have been waiting years for a VR flight sim experience and it's finally here. Read the other reviews posted for more in-depth details about all of the features - I only wanted to let the VR users know that if you were even slightly thinking about trying this game or, like me, have been waiting for an awesome VR flight sim, the time is now. Grab this game while it's still in Early Access because if it gets any better (and it will!) I'm sure the price will go up - because it's worth it.

I have been involved with aviation and flight simulation for over 25 years, and recently made the jump into VR with the Oculus Rift. My go to simulator has been FSX for quite some time now, and I've sunk some good money into sceneries and add-on aircraft. I've been using FlyInside FSX since it was available for the CV1 and have enjoyed it, but always felt it was a flat and lackluster experience in VR... technology just isn't there yet. I had been resigned to a mediocre experience in VR until the next HMD came along.


Well, it appears I didn't have to wait as long as I feared. Aerofly FS2 provides an astonishing flight experience in VR, and while it has a way to go to flesh out the sim to bring it to life, right now it is simply a joy to behold and to fly. The flight models are superb, and the visuals in the cockpit are fantastic. The first time in a Cessna where the light from the sun ran across the instruments caught me completely by surprise. It was definitely an OMG experience and I can't recommend it highly enough.

Landing in Boston was a pure definition of Immersion as I ever experienced, unbelievable, flew right by Deer Island where I ran a crane a few years back. It's far from perfect but I find myself going back to VR, monitors are so....flat! VR will be the future of flight sims, too bad some get vertigo or motion sickness. But then again, if it's real life like then it's real life like!

Og jeg lurer på om det er for lett å bli bilsyk? :'(




Det har vært folk som har blitt bilsyk/sjøsyk ved bruk av VR headsett ja, personelig har jeg ikke opplevd noe særlig til det utenom en gang hvor ir sensoren som brukes til å spore headsettet fanget opp et lys bak meg, skrudde det av så fungerte alt som normalt.

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Kjører i gang tråden her igjen.

Har nå anskaffet meg Oculus Rift, pluss Logik USB utvider (hadde ikke nok USB utganger). På Logik har jeg koblet mus, rudder, throtle og joustick, og Rift går direkte på usb 3.

Problemet her er at Windows finner alle komponentene, men X-plane finner dem ikke. Er det noe spesielt jeg bør være obs på her? Er i startfasen med Rift så har ikke fått testet dette ut enda før alle komponenter virker.

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Fant en side som hjalp: https://www.x-plane.com/kb/x-plane-11-20-vr-instructions/


Må innrømme at det var uvant å bruke VR-kontroller til simmen, men blir vel vanesak etterhvert. Så planen fremover blir å koble fra alle andre sticker bortsett fra fotruddern.

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