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Welcome to our Norway online day!





This online evening we will staff up the south western coast of Norway with the oil Capitol Stavanger and hansacity Bergen.

Expect these airports fully staffed.

There is good city hoping oppurtunity with a distance of 86nm and enroute time for B737 estimated to 00h35min. The statistics for stormy and turbulent wheater in this area is good for a challanging flight.


If that ain`t good enough for you we will also have Oslo Gardermoen open for service if you prefer to visit or major airport.


ENBR Bergen Flesland, one runway airport with a length of 3225meters strip.

Bring a heavy, medium or light aircraft to Bergen, no mather what your aircraft is our ATC is ready to provide you great service trough our stormy clouds.

This is the second largest city in Norway and have a population of 240 000 people.


ENZV Stavanger Sola, crossing rwy`s airport with the main rwy length of 2856meters.

Stavanger is our forth largest city with a population of 126 000 people.




Expect multiple frequency changes as you fly in our airspace.



You are more than welcome to take a flight to Norway, bring your best flying skills and have fun.






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  • Forfatter

Da var det bare Sola Radar igjen, ble en riktig så bra kveld dette også!


takk til alle ATC som stilte opp igjen og trafikken som kom ihvertfall de to siste timene, sånn er det når vi har mange voksne piloter! 19 er kanskje litt tidlig enda i en hektisk hverdag.


Det var ganske mye trafikk for ENZV_TWR, mer enn jeg har opplevd noen gang før i min veldig korte virtuelle ATC karierre.


Jasså, først på og sist av Anders? :)


Takk for ikveld, håper dere koste dere! Ellers så gleder jeg meg til neste onsdag, hvor det igjen blir Oslo og omegn!



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