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Hehe, nå skal det sies at man skal ikke tro ALT man leser i avisene. Sovnet på jobb, to fly landet uten kontakt med tårnet. En ting er jeg 100% sikker på og det er at disse flyene på en eller annen måte har fått clearance til å lande, enten via approach eller via kontakt med andre mannskap i ATC. Å lande et pax fly på en rullebane uten landingstillatelse vil eg tro må gi meget strenge reaksjoner, og jeg tviler sterkt på at et oppegående cockpit crew gjør slikt uten at et eller annet tiltak er satt i verk. Når det gjelder flygelederen, så er det stor forskjell på å falle bort i noen sekunder - enn å faktisk sovne av.


Stian, nei, de fikk beskjed av approach å handle situasjonen som om de skulle lande på en "uncontrolled airport". Dvs gå til CTAF som står på kartet, og rapportere der. Approach kontrolleren sa over frekvensen når ene piloten lurte på hva som skjedde at han trodde kontrolleren hadde blitt låst ute fra tårnet og at det hadde skjedd før.


“During the incident at DCA on the midnight shift Wednesday morning' date=' there was one FAA supervisor on duty, instead of a front-line controller. This was an FAA management supervisor, not a front-line controller.


“We applaud Transportation Secretary LaHood for quickly moving to put safety first and fix the situation at DCA yesterday by ordering additional staffing – a front-line controller – on the midnight shift, which took effect last night.


“NATCA has long been outspoken in its opposition to one-person staffing on any shift. In fact, the NATCA membership, in its strong commitment to aviation safety, adopted language in its formal constitution nearly 20 years ago opposing one-person staffing on a shift. That language remains in effect today.


“One-person shifts are unsafe. Period. The most horrifying proof of this came on Aug. 27, 2006, when 49 people lost their lives aboard Comair Flight 191 in Lexington, Ky., when there was only one controller assigned to duty in the tower handling multiple controllers’ responsibilities alone. One person staffing was wrong then and it’s wrong now.


“We also applaud Secretary LaHood for calling yesterday for an FAA study of staffing levels around the country at other airports. Wednesday’s incident clearly shows the need for an urgent, comprehensive, nationwide staffing study. We continue to work closely with Congress on FAA reauthorization language that calls for such a study.


“The administration inherited an unsafe policy of staffing to budget instead of putting safety first. We fully support the administration’s aggressive actions to change this policy. Safety should always be the top priority in any discussion of aviation policy.”[/quote']


God artikkel, og video her: http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/reagan-national-controller-drug-tested-and-suspended-after-falling-asleep-on-the-job/2011/03/24/ABPzu5RB_story.html

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