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Vet ikke om dere har sett dette tidligere, men EASA har ett nytt forslag til arbeidstidsbestemelser ute på høring nå.


NPA 2010-14


"Implementing Rules on Flight and Duty Time Limitations and rest requirements for commercial air transport (CAT) with aeroplanes"


Har ikke hatt tid til å lese gjennom men her ett par punkt jeg har tatt ut.


-For domestic flights the regulation generally limits pilots to 8 hours of flight time during a 24-hour period. This limit may be extended provided the pilot receives additional rest at the end of the flight. For domestic operations a minimum rest requirement of 8 continuous hours of rest during the 24-hour period is also required.


-For international flights that require more than 12 hours of flight time, air carriers must establish rest periods and provide adequate sleeping facilities outside of the cockpit for in-flight rest.


-The EASA NPA prescribes rest in function of the preceding duty period, the NPRM only defines a standard sleep opportunity of 9 hours. The NPA is also more protective in terms of weekly rest (36 hours including 2 local nights, vs 30 hours)


-OR.OPS FTL.110(a) requires the operator to publish rosters ‘sufficiently in advance’. This Subpart Q provision is complemented by an AMC recommending publishing rosters at least 14 days in advance.


-The definition of a Home Base — especially with multiple airports — could not reach a consensus within the Rulemaking Group. One open item was related to the above limitation of 50km distance/60min travelling time, the safety impact of allowing multiple airports is probably negligible, but the social and economical impacts of the proposal are difficult to assess. In this respect the RIA needs further consideration.


-FTL.1.210 1-(b) reflects Subpart Q requirement:

to limit the maximum number of times that extensions are used to 2 in any 7 consecutive days;



Vet ikke om dette er av noe interesse, men nå vet dere i hvertfall om det :)

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