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While Satellitedirect.tv does attempt to regularly update its channel list, Satellitedirect.tv cannot and does not guarantee the availability of any channels listed in the SatelliteDirect software. You understand that channels may become unavailable on a temporary or permanent basis at any time and for reasons beyond the control of Satellitedirect.tv.


Satellitedirect.tv cannot and does not make any representations or warranties regarding the content or quality of any channels available through the software. You understand that picture quality may vary for reasons beyond the control of Satellitedirect.tv or the SatelliteDirect software, including the speed and quality of your Internet connection. The content of all channels available through the SatelliteDirect software is the sole responsibility of the channel provider.


You understand that premium channels, including but not limited to HBO, Cinemax, and Showtime, are not available through the SatelliteDirect software.


To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the SatelliteDirect software is provided “as is”, and Satellitedirect.tv disclaims all warranties and conditions, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, and non-infringement. Satellitedirect.tv does not warrant, guarantee or make any representations that the functions contained in the SatelliteDirect software will meet your particular requirements or that the operation of the SatelliteDirect software will be uninterrupted or error free. The entire risk as to the results and performance of the SatelliteDirect software is assumed by you.


Så youtube-filmen viser faktisk at man får det man betaler for i følge disclaimeren.


Noe som OGSÅ er ille her, er at når eg går utav siden prøver de å få meg til å snakke med en "kundebehandler" som vil gi meg et spesialtilbud. Så eg gjorde dette, og "snakka" med noen som helt TYDELIG var en bot.


Husk: Visst noe er for godt til å være sant, er det som oftest det..

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