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Damn.. siden er sperret på jobben her.. Filtered Category "Games" ... hm. uten og kan lese det så mener jeg winXP er best, for meg hvertfall... får bedre ytelse i winXP en win98 og 2000 tilsammens.. men skal ikke si for mye nå når jeg ikke kan lese det på linken din der....


Ketil, her er konklusjonen fra SimHQ:





If you're not keeping score, you're only practicing. Here's how the winners breakdown based on each sims performance. Each high score in a resolution counts as a "win". A tie with another OS counts as a win.


Windows 98 SE 17 wins

Windows 98 Lite 27 wins


9x based OS's:

42 wins



Windows 2000 Professional 3 wins

Windows XP Home 15 wins


NT based OS's:

18 wins



No big surprise to you 9x fans. So what's the key? With regards to frames per second performance, avoid the overhead and resistance that operating systems place on sims. That's primarily why the 9x OS's are so effective for sims and gaming. The other major benefit 9x has is driver development that has had time to evolve.


No matter which OS you use, shutdown, turn-off, disable anything you don't critically need that's running in the background. Of course this is counter to current computer software sales trends. Operating systems and programs are getting packed with more features, more "middleware", more bells and whistles to entice the buyer. It seems Windows ownership has changed from 70% installation-30% tuning to 20% installation-80% tuning. It simply takes much more time to "un-feature" and "un-middleware" the OS than it does to install the OS. If you do want to run Windows XP, turn that background stuff off! If you don't know how, look at this optimization article I did a few months ago for SimHQ. It can be found here.


We'll have to see what the Service Pack 1 version of Windows XP offers later this year. As you're probably aware, the Windows XP Service Pack 1 will reportedly allow several items such as Windows Messenger, Windows Explorer, and Outlook to be deselected. Except for the 98 Lite route, this is the first time since the Windows 95 days we've had the option to not have these type of items on our hard drives. Could this be the sleeper OS for sims? I plan to load-up the same sims and test the "bare bones" Windows XP Home SP1 version soon as it's out. We'll see what happens then.


Since Windows XP Home and Windows 2000 Professional scored significantly less wins than the 9x OS's, is there any good reason to consider them for sims? If you consider only FPS important, no. If anything else is important to you, consider XPs increased stability, compatibility, and it just runs "smoother" than 98 SE. "Smoother" seems contrary to the FPS speed issue but it really isn't. Here's an analogy. Fred's old gray primer hot rod that bellows smoke can easily outrun Sam's new BMW...but the Bimmer is much more comfortable, quieter, and enjoyable to drive especially in heavy traffic. Yes FPS is paramount, but after a few too many GPFs, your perspective tends to change. Yes, Windows XP gives up frames to Windows 98 SE, but I've yet to lose a "successful" F4 mission in XP. The same cannot be said for Windows 98 SE.


You should try these tests for yourself, or build your own suite of tests to benchmark your system. But spend the time to test your system. With as many variables in system configurations, one update may affect sim performance and having your own benchmarks can be very beneficial. This partially accounts for the "gee-I-can-run-that-fine-why-can't-you" messages you read in the forums.


Regarding compatibility, I had a terrible time getting Windows 98 SE to behave with my USB mouse, SCSI card, and it gave me a big hardware conflict with IRQs that had to be worked through. Windows XP Home found everything right away and installed it without conflicts. Take a look a this page regarding Windows XP compatibility with really, really old sims. Its written from the fun side of "wonder if".


Keep in mind all this can change in a few weeks or months so you need to keep an open mind about what works, and what doesn't because it could all change very quickly. But the fact is that on this computer at the time of testing, the crotchety old OS with the occasional nasty attitude beats the new kid hands down....on most sims....for now. SimHQ



Author's note: Due to scheduling, some of the driver versions and sim patches which were current at the time of the articles completion in mid-May are not the current latest version. When the upcoming Windows XP Home Service Pack 1 "bare bones" version is tested, the drivers and patch versions used in this article will be used along with the newest versions at the time of the SP1 release.


Hm.. se der ja.. jaja, jeg har brukt og kjørt Win98 SE sikkert derfor jeg ikke har merket så enorm forskjell... For vel dra frem en gammel Win98 "lite/standard" fra støvet og legge inn på pc'n...

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