Skrevet 16. oktober 2009 15 år Her er litt ATC-morro jeg har saksa fra et anna forum.. British Airways flight asks for push back clearance from terminal. Control Tower replies: 'And where is the world's most experienced airline going today without filing a flight plan?' ---------------------------------- ATC: 'Al Italia 345 continue taxi to 26L South via Tango - check for workers along taxiway.' Al Italia 345: 'Roger, Taxi 26 Left a via Tango. Workers checked - all are working' ---------------------------------- Nova 851: 'Halifax Terminal, Nova 851 with you out of 13,000 for 10,000, requesting runway 15.' Halifax Terminal (female): 'Nova 851, Halifax, the last time I gave a pilot what he wanted I was on penicillin for three weeks. Expect runway 06.' ---------------------------------- Lost student pilot: 'Unknown airport with Cessna 150 circling overhead, please identify yourself.' ---------------------------------- Tower: Have you got enough fuel or not? Pilot: Yes. Tower: Yes what? Pilot: Yes, SIR! ---------------------------------- Frankfurt Contol: 'AF1733, You are on an eight mile final for 27R. You have a UH-1 three miles ahead of you on final; reduce speed to 130 knots.' Pilot: 'Rogo', Frankfurt. We're bringing this big bird back to one-hundred and thirty knots fer ya.' Control: (a few moments later): 'AF33, helicopter traffic at 90 knots now 11/2 miles ahead of you; reduce speed further to 110 knots.' Pilot: 'AF thirty-three reining this here bird back further to 110 knots' Control: 'AF33, you are three miles to touchdown, helicopter traffic now 1 mile ahead of you; reduce speed to 90 knots' Pilot (a little miffed): 'Sir, do you know what the stall speed of this here C-130 is?' Control: 'No, but if you ask your co-pilot, he can probably tell you.' ---------------------------------- ATC: 'Cessna 123, What are your intentions? ' Cessna: 'To get my Commercial Pilots License and Instrument Rating.' ATC: 'I meant in the next five minutes not years.' ---------------------------------- Controller: AF123, say call sign of your wingman. Pilot: Uh... approach, we're a single ship. Controller: Oh, Oh, Shit! You have traffic! ---------------------------------- O'Hare Approach: USA212, cleared ILS runway 32L approach, maintain 250 knots. USA212: Roger approach, how long do you need me to maintain that speed? O'Hare Approach: All the way to the gate if you can. USA212: Ah, OK, but you better warn ground control. ---------------------------------- Pilot: 'Approach, Acme Flt 202, with you at 12,000' and 40 DME.' Approach: 'Acme 202, cross 30 DME at and maintain 8000'.' Pilot: 'Approach, 202's unable that descent rate.' Approach: 'What's the matter 202? Don't you have speed brakes?' Pilot: 'Yup. But they're for my mistakes. Not yours.' ---------------------------------- Controller: 'USA353 contact Cleveland Center 135.60. (pause) Controller: 'USA353 contact Cleveland Center 135.60!' (pause) Controller: 'USA353 you're just like my wife you never listen!' Pilot: 'Center, this is USA553, maybe if you called her by the right name you'd get a better response!' ---------------------------------- Tower: 'Cessna 123, turn right now and report your heading.' Pilot: 'Wilco. 341, 342, 343, 344, 345...' ---------------------------------- Pilot: 'Good morning, Frankfurt ground, KLM 242 request start up and push back, please.' Tower: 'KLM 242 expect start up in two hours.' Pilot: 'Please confirm: two hours delay?' Tower: 'Affirmative.' Pilot: 'In that case, cancel the good morning!' ---------------------------------- Hoho, fikk meg en sinnsykt god latter, her jeg sitter i klassrommet. :grin:
Skrevet 16. oktober 2009 15 år Takker! Hjelper på når amn har 2 fritimer! :grin: Msnge gullkorn der ja! :grin:
Skrevet 16. oktober 2009 15 år Controller: 'USA353 contact Cleveland Center 135.60. (pause) Controller: 'USA353 contact Cleveland Center 135.60!' (pause) Controller: 'USA353 you're just like my wife you never listen!' Pilot: 'Center, this is USA553, maybe if you called her by the right name you'd get a better response!' Denne var best synes jeg...
Skrevet 16. oktober 2009 15 år Forfatter British Airways flight asks for push back clearance from terminal. Control Tower replies: 'And where is the world's most experienced airline going today without filing a flight plan?' Den likte jeg veldig godt.. :grin:
Skrevet 16. oktober 2009 15 år Litt fin den her også. SR-71 Blackbird pilot Brian Shul reported one exchange. His SR-71 was screaming across Southern California, 13 miles high and its crew were monitoring cockpit chatter as they entered Los Angeles airspace. Though they didn't really control the SR-71, LA monitored its movement across their scope. The SR-71 crew heard a Cessna ask for a readout of groundspeed. "90 knots" Center replied. Moments later, a Twin Beech required the same. "120 knots," Center answered. An F-18 smugly transmitted, "Ah, Center, Dusty 52 requests groundspeed readout." Center (after a slight pause): "525 knots on the ground, Dusty". The SR-71 realised how ripe a situation this was for one-upmanship: "Center, Aspen 20, you got a groundspeed readout for us?" Center (after a longer than normal pause): "Aspen, I show 1,742 knots" No further groundspeed inquiries were heard on that frequency. In similar vein (airport not stated), an SR-71 crew were listening in on a similar "match this" contest. A Cessna asked to clear to 4000 ft, a corporate jet requested clearance to 12,000, an airliner to 18,000, etc. Finally the SR-71 called ATC. SR-71: "Request clearance to 80,000 ft" Tower: "Just how in hell do you plan to get up there?" SR-71: "Uh Tower, I'm descending to 80,000".
Skrevet 16. oktober 2009 15 år ATC: 'Al Italia 345 continue taxi to 26L South via Tango - check for workers along taxiway.' Al Italia 345: 'Roger, Taxi 26 Left a via Tango. Workers checked - all are working'{\\ Den fikk meg til å flire extra!
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