Robert Damli Skrevet 8. september 2009 Skrevet 8. september 2009 Her er min tribute til Igor Tkachenko som døde under en øvelse mot MAKS 2009. Under er sakset fra "more info" på YouTube. (Husk å se den i HD) Download link her: (ca. 520MB, 1440X900) "Walking in the air" A tribute to Russian Knights and Igor Valentinovitch Tkachenko. Display flown by me, Robert "FunkyMan" Damli. This is a display flown to honor Col. Igor Tkachenko, the leader of the Russian Knights that died in a mid air collision training for the event MAKS 2009. On August 16, 2009 two Sukhoi Su-27 fighter jets from the Russian Knights collided in mid-air during a test flight southeast of Moscow, killing the Knights' leader, Igor Tkachenko. More people on the ground were injured, and a women received fatal burns after one of the planes crashed into a house and started a fire. The pilots were training for the 2009 MAKS Airshow. Music: Nightwish "Walking in the air". Siter
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