Skrevet 4. september 2009 15 år Bøyer meg i støvet i ydmykhet for hva dere har fått til, og mange mange gratulasjoner med den første landingen dere gjorde her. Det ser kjempegøy ut!
Skrevet 4. september 2009 15 år Dette ser ikke kjedelig ut nei! Hvor er det egentlig denne simulatoren står?
Skrevet 4. september 2009 15 år Forfatter Simulatoren(e) står på Skedsmo Videregående Skole, Flylinjen, i Lillestrøm. Simulatorene (DC10 og MD80) driftes av Nordic Simulator Center.
Skrevet 4. september 2009 15 år Level A These have: A full enclosed flightdeck, with all flight crew stations present, and all systems simulated • Flight control force vs position tests, with tolerances. • Basic motion and visuals, such as night/dusk, or a limited field of view. • Objective flight tests, some with no tolerance other than "correct trend and magnitude". • A transport delay of less than 300 milliseconds Level B With these, you can do all the training and checking you need, except for takeoffs and landings. They are constructed as for level A, plus the objective tests all have tolerances applied. Level C These are rated for zero flight time for pilots with 1500+ hours in a similar aircraft class. They are constructed as for Level B, plus: Level D These are rated for zero flight time, that is, they can be used for PPCs or OPCs, but not line checks (not just because you can’t fit the passen- gers in!), and are constructed as for Level C, plus: • Weather Radar is simulated and co-ordinated with the visuals, TCAS, etc. • Objective sound and vibration test
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