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Det er jeg helt enig i Christian...


Det er dessverre mange som forsatt tror det er alt fra konspirasjoner til reinspikk sabotasje og pr stunt, Tom her prøver å forklare tappert mot slike unødvendige anklagelser.


Takk Gud for at 95% har vett nok til å forstå det motsatte og heller retter sin støtte en sitt sinne og frustrasjon.



As usual in situations like the one we find ourselves in today, AVSIM, it seems, is required to set the record straight in order to tamp out the flames of conspiracy, out right distortions of the truth and ill-informed and at best, disingenuous "opinion". And, before I have the hounds on me, everyone is entitled to their opinion - informed, insigthful, ignorant, idiotic, or otherwise.


"Yes Virginia, you can make a fool out of yourself anytime you are inclined to do so". Just remember that in doing so, your foolishness will be recorded on the web, somewhere, for tens of generations to come - think about that as your legacy to the hobby.


It never ceases to amaze me how ill-informed, ill-mannered, ignorant, and mean spirited some folks in this community can be. Admittedly, they are a very very small minority compared to other hobby / game genre's, but vocal enough to rightfully embarrass themselves. In doing so however, like the poisonous dwarfs discussed in management and HR books every where, they never the less plant seeds of doubt that can fester and lead the gullible to incredible flights of fancy (no pun intended). So, let's set the record straight... (and... frankly, I don't even know why I am bothering to write this. It is not as if I don't have anything better to do). But, here we go anyway.


The Community Wants to Help:


On Wednesday morning, when we were able to get the temp forums up and running, one of the first incoming messages was an entreaty by a member for us to provide a means for the community to contribute toward our "recovery fund". We did not at that time know what "recovery" implied, or what it would mean in costs for us to remedy it. Never the less, and SIGNIFICANTLY, there was, and still is, a need by our community of users to help in some way. My response was and still is:


"I have to tell you, it goes against my grain to solicit or allow donations without providing anything in return for your hard earned dollar/euro/yen or whatever. However, in the situation we are in now, any and all donations can help, if not immediately, then in the longer term. We will use your donations to help pay for any hardware that we need to purchase and any fees that we have to pay for technical assistance (that doesn't get volunteered that is). We will always be in need of future hardware upgrades, software, etc., so if your donation is not put to use in the short term, I can assure you that it will in the longer term."


I was and still am apologetic that we need donations of any kind, let alone today. The whole point of this is to categorically state, AVSIM did not rush to open up donations. We only did so, apologetically in my mind, after being bombarded by requests to do so. Having said that, can we use the money? Absolutely. Will we put it to good use? Absolutely (see my earlier system status report for today). Will we spend it wisely? Absolutely! Will we use it to fix the shortcomings in our system topology and back up policies? You can bet we will.


And finally, I cannot say it enough... Thank you sincerely from all of the AVSIM Staff for having donated. We know how difficult it is in these times, and we can assure you that we will put every one of your hard earned pennies / shekles / Euro's / RMB's / whatever to good use.


The AVSIM Staff (more specifically me) Deliberately Did This:


Anyone who has worked with me, or for me, in my 35+ years of a professional life knows that I do not tolerate fools gladly. They will also tell you so in a heart beat. The issue is "What is my yardstick for being a fool". I have to admit that the goal post moves around a bit. BUT I CAN TELL YOU WITH A CERTAINTY that the yardstick on this accusation is very very low. Whoever believes this is a fool. Period. More saddening is the realization that apparently, these pathetic souls can be lead around by the nose without doing any thinking, critical or otherwise, for themselves. I thought our hobby was populated with people with higher IQ's than that. Apparently not. That's sad.


Okay, let's get to the accusation... Why on God's green earth would I or any of our volunteers want to destroy over 12 years of hard work, hundreds of thousands of hours of work by hundreds of volunteers including yours truly, the contributions of thousand (if not tens of thousands) of community members, and not to mention a reputation hard earned and fought for? If I and the senior staff had a secret insurance policy that paid off in millions of dollars upon the demise of AVSIM, I might even be able to somewhat understand the accusation (maybe). Sorry folks; no policy exists.


Tom wants to retire and he took AVSIM offline! Say what??? AVSIM was to be my retirement... No, not in the financial sense (I am well taken care of in that regard, thank you very much), but in the mental sense. AVSIM was to be (AND WILL BE) my "intellectuall stimulus" and an extension of my hobby, for years to come. At least in my way of thinking, that beats the hell out of puttering around in the garden for mental stimulus. I mean, how much company are worms and petunias for crying out loud???


Your Donation is a Waste:


Well, I guess the proof to that accusation is yet to be seen. Given that we are only six days into this situation, I can't imagine anyone being able to say with certainty that a donation is a waste, but, there are smarter people out there than I. I do know this; as I write this I am looking at two quotes for systems hardware that we received today. One is for a dual BLADE system for about $40,000, and the second is for a dual IBM X3650 System for just over $24,100. Both quotes are without installation costs or the costs to bring them online and populated with our salvagable data. If the cost of the hardware and the paid technical assistance that IS GOING TO HAPPEN a waste of your donation, then please send us an email. We'll be happy to refund your donation. Really.


Piracy, Violation of Trust, Foolishness, Violence and Threats:


There are a lot of folks out there that are really upset about the taking down of AVSIM. I would ask that you stand in my shoes for an hour or two and contemplate the loss from a higher elevation. Take the 40,000 foot view; challenge yourself to think about the why's, the where for's, the impact and the ripple effect throughout the hobby and our community. No, it is not just about me or you in isolation. It is about the nearly One Million registered users of the file library. It is about the nearly sixty thousand members of the forums. It is about only god knows how many readers of the font page each and every week. I have not had a very good attitude for a couple of days or so now - in fact, its a wonder my wife is still speaking to me, but if I take the higher view, then my little "problem" (how to successfully manage our team's effort to pull humpty dumpty back together again) really pales in comparison to the many out there that are missing an important, maybe even critical part of their day. Take that view for a moment, and share my perspective; AVSIM serves much more than just "I". We know you are upset, and so are we. Take a deep breath and be assured that we are working as quickly as we can to get AVSIM back online.


Was the destruction of AVSIM a violation of trust? Too soon to tell, but we are reasonably confident that it was. We'll know sooner than later.


Was the destruction of AVSIM a result of our own foolishness (or some would say naivete') in allowing access to someone we should not have? Again, we'll know sooner than later. But one thing can be said on this score... NEVER AGAIN.


Please... You do yourself no good by publicly speculating. Please allow us to work the issues and you will know soon enough the details.


Finally, are the threats that we have seen posted in some forums, implied or direct, justified? Never! When the threshold of an individual's mental capacities are exceeded, threats and vulgarity can result. Please check you six shooter and your profanity at the door, and understand that if there ever be violance required, you will be standing behind me in line with a bunch of other folks way ahead of you.


What Next:


We are moving forward, albeit not as instantaneously as I would like, and we'll keep you informed. Check the calendar daily to see what we are up do.



Tom Allensworth

AVSIM Online



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Public update 19 Mai - Videreformidling


We placed the order for the hardware this morning. We ordered some significantly powerful machines. These systems will be delivered Thursday night in time for our tech team to install them on Friday, the 22nd.




Due to the generosity of hundreds of community members, we will be able to bring online sometime over the weekend an AVSIM System that all of us will be proud of, I am sure.


High on our list of attributes that these new systems will provide are:




Load Leveling

We will be effectively running the equivalent of 20 servers in two boxes.


In addition, we have purchased a 3Com 5500G 1 Gigabit 24 port switch to replace the existing 3C router.


I don’t want to bore you with the details, but here is the inventory of systems that will be brought back online Saturday or Sunday:


• Two HP Proliant DL380 G5’s with quad core Xeon E5450 processors working at 3 GHz.

• 32 GIG of DR2 Ram per G5

• 1.2 terabytes of storage on each G5 using 4 x 300 GB SATA-300/SAS drives.

• In addition, we will be bring back online, or repairing to bring online, our existing three severs, GREEN, PURPLE and WHITE

• We will also bring our NAS back into operation as our primary storage device for the system array.




I am going to put my neck on the line here a bit based upon a briefing I received today, and say that our confidence is building about the state of the library. It is my hope that we can have our legacy library back up and running on Sunday. Our email system would also be back in operation.


We will have a Web site back and operating sometime over the weekend. If we can get the old system up and running, great. If not, we’ll create a redirect page for all three domains back to this forum system. In the meantime, the design team continues to work on the web and library redesigns and we will bring them online as soon as the team gives us the go ahead.


As for the Forums system; our confidence is increasing in that there may be something retrievable there. Again, we won’t know until we can inspect the material that we have since recovered and placed on WHITE for storage. More on that later.



Tom Allensworth

AVSIM Online


Nå ser det nesten ut som AVSIM har tatt over denne tråden. Vi kan lese selv på AVSIM uten å få det referert på denne måten. De av oss som er interessert :)

Flott å gå ut med all hardware de kjøper med tanke på om det ligger noen sårbarheter i denne. Hacking og sånt.


Håper AVSIM får det til for seg nå.


Jeg synes det er fint at Tom viser hva som skjer. Kan ikke skjønne at det skulle plage noen. Man vet jo hva som står, og kommer til å stå i denne tråden uansett. Synes du er utrolig negativ Fred.




Jeg har videreformidlet innleggene her slik at folk her inne evt. skal ha mulighet til å slippe å toggle mellom ulike nettsider da jeg regner med de fleste leser kanskje mest her??


Kunne selvsagt ha oversatt alt men med fare for å oversette eller mistolke noe viktig så har ikke det vært målet.


Er det ikke er interesse blant medlemmene så har det vel heller ikke noe formål å forsette å spre budskapet, var faktisk ikke klar over at dette var så skrekkelig feil av meg, er det likevel ønskelig at jeg forsetter så gjør jeg gjerne det, er det ikke ønskelig så stopper vi, enkelt å greit.










for all del, oppdateringene dine er meget nyttige Tom, ikke stopp dem er du snill


Til nå har vel flertallet vært positive til oppdateringene dine Tom. Inkludert meg, for min del kan du bare fortsette med oppdateringene.


Jeg vil gjerne fortsette å få informasjon om hva som skjer med Avsim,siden det har vært det nettstedet jeg har benyttet mest til å laste ned add-ons for å bygge opp og forbedre simmen.

Bare fortsett med oppdateringer,du,Tom. :)


Alt med oppdatering om AVSIM og det hele står jo her: http://linux.myalbemarle.org/forums/

Og...? "AVSIM har forum, la oss alle sverge troskap til AVSIM's forum"? "La for all del ikke noen informasjon lekke ut forbi AVSIM's forum"?


Jeg tror faktisk at det er til beste for AVSIM at oppdateringene sprees til forum og nettsider utenfor AVSIM... Så Tom; kom med oppdateringene! :cool:


Godt å høre folkens, vel jeg vil da forsette å spre ting som jeg mener er viktig å få med seg om fremdriften på oppbygningen, andre nyttige ting osv..


Jeg har dessverre ikke grunnlag til å spre noe annet informasjon en hva som blir postet på forumet vårt og all ære til de som vil følge med på forumet vårt, det er slik vi får bygget oss opp igjen.

Rett før at AVSIM ble tatt av luften hadde vi 59.498 registrerte forum brukere og det sier vel sitt om antallet fly frelste mennesker rundt om kring.




Vi gjør så godt vi kan og vil forsette med det i fremtiden!


1. Vi har vedtatt å både kjøpe inn nytt hardware, nye løsninger samt å bygge et helt nytt system som jeg faktisk tror vil tjene vær eneste bruker av AVSIM i fremtiden.


2. Vi har vedtatt å forsøke å redde mest mulig av dataene vi hadde og forhåpentligvis da kan vi redde alle de gamle filene, de som begynner å få nostalgisk verdi, i alle fall for meg.



3. Vi har allerede fått uten å gå direkte inn på det, en helt ny og mye mer brukervennlig måte å formidle informasjonen på den nye hovedsiden, denne vil så bli videreutviklet og grundig testet og sikret for fremtiden.



Jeg håper fremdeles folk både registrerer seg på forumet om ønskelig og tar del i ulike diskusjoner eller kun er der for informasjon, men husk folkens at dette er et temporært forum .



Vi vil få nytt forum!



Så igjen, beklager til de som tror jeg kun har til hensikt å dobbel poste informasjon, jeg ønsker å videreformidle hva jeg kan formidle, det vises å da være kun informasjon som er offentliggjort på forumet vårt, noe annet ville vært etisk uforsvarlig av meg.


På vegne av AVSIM, takk for støtten.




Takker for stadige oppdateringer, snart kan man trekke

et "lettelsens sukk" og puste ut. Godt å se den enorme

støtten AVSIM har fått, og at man faktisk får reddet

såpass mye. Ville vært utrolig trist dersom AVSIM

hadde forsvunnet helt, da dette stedet (i allefall

for meg) er tilnærmet den "hellige gral" når det gjelder

å finne filer til FS2004/FSX - uansett om det er nye

flotte liverys, scenery, utils, osv osv.


Ja vil bare takke Tom for flott informasjon. Stå på,det er mange av oss som er interessert i informasjonen din her. Til de som eventuelt synes dette er upassende eller for mye,ja de kan jo bare slå av Pc`n eller lese på andre sider.


Takk igjen Tom.





Greit nok at "Avsim" har et problem.

Har vært medlem der siden 1997-2009.

Har også gjort en del filer "uploaded for dette nettstedet fra 2000-2003 og det har tatt mye jobbing på min fritid sporadisk i mange år.


Hadde trodd at et såpass "seriøst nettsted" hadde mere sikkerhet på sine nettsider.



Ingen backup fra meg i filbiblioteket på nettet.


Lars Peter.





Noen som fikk med seg at PMDG hadde et attack også?


The site actually was attacked via a SQL exploit... we're back up and the issue's taken care of now. Would love to know exactly why such a niche community like flight sim sites are being attacked by hackers all of a sudden though.





Samme med Sim Outhouse:


Yes, sim-outhouse was hacked in the exact same way AVSIM was and like AVSIM they got our secondary drive. The actual code and HTML are tiny just a little over a megabyte of data. The FTPs were big in the hundreds of gigabytes. Now the MySQL database was even more massive and had to be restored in parts or by single tables at a time, taking several days to complete. SOH was lucky because we had just backed up the database to files and several administrators had copies.




Skummelt at hele FlightSim samfunnet blir targeted nå om dagen.

Hvem blir neste mann ut?


Tja, til nå; VATSIM og AVSIM. Dersom det er FS-miljøet som helhet som er målet, så burde ikke IVAO være så fryktelig langt ned på lista i alle fall, sammen med blandt annet flightsim.com og en del andre nettsider med netlastbart materiell... Deretter er det neppe langt til de begynner med diverse VA, og her ser jeg for meg at British Airways Virtual kan stå høyt i kurs....


Leste en tråd på Flightsim.com hvor administrator beroliget alle med at de HAR backup servere som fysisk er på et annet sted enn main servers. Også offline backup,så de står nok godt rustet.

VA's derimot.. kan jeg godt se for meg ikke har så mye backup alltid. Håper snart at spor kan gjøre slik at noen kan bli identifisert,og putta i et bur på livstid!


Føljetongen om AVSIM og sikkerheten på websidene dems fortsetter.

Jeg har gjort som mange andre registrert meg på den temporære websiden til AVSIM med mailadresse og det som kreves fra AVSIM. Og hva får jeg tilbake, foruten tilgang til forumet?

Jo, dette kommer dumpende ned i postkassa :(


Kopi av mailen jeg har fått tilsendt to ganger nå:

[color:#3366FF]-----Opprinnelig melding-----

Fra: tom.allensworth@gmail.com [mailto:tom.allensworth@gmail.com]

Sendt: 24. mai 2009 21:23

Til: fredsolli

Emne: New private message has arrived


Hello fredsolli,


You have received a new private message from "andres3190" to your account

on "AVSIM's Temporary Home" with the following subject:


para los que hablamos en español y queremos esta pagina


You can view your new message by clicking on the following link:




You have requested that you be notified on this event, remember that you

can always choose not to be notified of new messages by changing the

appropriate setting in your profile.




Sent from the AVSIM Temp Forums. If this email is a spam or unwelcome,

please contact the AVSIM Staff on the forums.




Som dere er er avsenderadressen et kjent navn :)


Jeg veit ikke om jeg skal grine eller le av dette. Det er jo bare komisk. Så stå på folkens, her trenges det ikke bare nye servere og hardware, men datakunnskap først og fremst i kjernen hos AVSIM for å unngå denne type ting fremover. Hvis ikke spår jeg dem ute ganske så raskt.


PS. Dette er spam fra en utenforstående som må ha fått tilgang til AVSIM's nye mailingliste. Toppers.


Grunnen til at avsenderadressen har et kjent navn ligger i phpBB løsningen som AVSIM har valgt for sitt midlertidige forum; forumet skal ha en "hoved/administrator" adresse, og den adressen blir oppført som "avsenderadresse" når e-post meldinger relatert til forumet sendes ut.


Om det var e-posten du ville unngå, så går du inn i forum-profilen og haker av for "NO" på punktet om hvorvidt du ønsker å bli varslet via e-post når du mottar PM's...


Det er ikke det jeg vil frem til her Gunnar. Det er en mail ikke sendt av AVSIM i det hele tatt. Du kan sjekke her: http://linux.myalbemarle.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=660



og mange flere innlegg på fora til AVSIM.

Det jeg stiller et stort spørsmålstegn til er hvor har "spammeren" fått alle mailadressene fra?



Da sender jeg spørsmålet rett tilbake;

Har du haket av for å "hemmeligholde" e-posten din da du registrerte deg på forumet?


Btw; jeg har ikke registrert meg på det midlertidige forumet, så jeg får ikke sett det du linker til...


Kun ja på denne: Administrators can e-mail me information:


+ på sommertid :)


Og det ligger ingen private meldinger i innboksen!



Relevant post angående spansk spam



I have deleted 7 threads about this spam in Spanish received by all the users of this forum.

We'd like to thank you about your vigilance but please do not post any more topics about that spam.

We owe you some explanations:


1) There is NO DANGER at all, this guy used a feature that was enabled by mistake when we opended this temporary forum: everyone was able to send an email to all the users. This feature has been obviously disabled now.

2) This is not an "attack" and has nothing to do with our system security

3) Because we have opened this forum using Tom's email address, every message or email sent from this forum has Tom's address as sender. This is a normal situation.

4) Here is Tom's answer: "It was not from me. We had a setting wrong and this idiot took advantage of it. He's now gone, and the switch set so this won't happen again. Sorry for the inconvenience."

5) You can be quiet regarding the high level of security our guys are implementing in our new system.


Thank you for understanding :--)



David Roch

Avsim Admin


Jeg ser de har slettet alle innleggene jeg henviste til. Det gir ikke spesielt tillit. Men det er vel dumt å sitte og se på alle feil man gjør når man skal være på lufta i en fei.


Jeg håper virkelig at de ansetter en kompetent datamann til å drive denne saijten videre uten altfor mange blundere.


Hmm,, hva er dette for en kommentar? Fred har kompetanse så det holder, men om du ikke har hvert så lenge i FS miljøet så vet du vell kansje ikke bedre.

Bli med i diskusjonen!

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