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"Altogether, the crew successfully negotiated 29 touch-and-go landings, 21 unarrested full stop landings and 21 unassisted take-offs at gross weights of 85,000 pounds up to 121,000 pounds. At 85,000 pounds, the KC-130Fcame to a complete stop within 267 feet, about twice the aircraft's wing span! The Navy was delighted to discover that even with the maximum load, the plane used only 745 feet for take-off and 460 feet for landing roll." *)


Maxvekta var 135000 lb, så den var ikke akkurat tom...


*) Fra boka Herk: Hero of the skies

  • Forfatter
Dette skal man ha respekt for altså! Men jeg ville ikke ha vært han der piloten' date=' hadde sikkert pisset i buksa :S [/quote']

Det var vel litt å ta i da?

men det kan jo ha blitt litt svette? :D


Dei måtte visstnok henta fram kubeinet for å få setet laus ifrå kapteinen etter landingane. :grin:


Utan tvil bra flygning av pilotane. :)

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