Skrevet 8. juni 2008 16 år Helt i starten før den tar av så ser du jo bare kroppen, og noen strobes på vingetuppene:D UTROLIG tynne vinger:D Slitsomt å følge filmingen, veldig stakapo, men det er vel datastyrt sikkert, så det var kanskje bra filma tatt i betraktning. Skal si det tok fort fyr..
Skrevet 8. juni 2008 16 år forferdelig filming,men inntresant og se. For meg ser det ut som en vel tidlig rotate,etterfulgt med en vanvittig climb vinkel,så stall,så masse dollar i ett stort bål :grin: Bra det gikk bra med pilotene og folk på bakken.
Skrevet 8. juni 2008 16 år 6/6/2008 - LANGLEY AIR FORCE BASE, Va. (AFPN) -- Distorted data introduced by a B-2 Spirit's air data system skewed information entering the bomber's flight control computers ultimately causing the crash of the aircraft on takeoff at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, Feb. 23, according to an Air Combat Command accident investigation report released June 5. Moisture in the aircraft's Port Transducer Units during air data calibration distorted the information in the bomber's air data system, causing the flight control computers to calculate an inaccurate airspeed and a negative angle of attack upon takeoff. According to the report, this caused an, "uncommanded 30 degree nose-high pitch-up on takeoff, causing the aircraft to stall and its subsequent crash." Moisture in the PTUs, inaccurate airspeed, a negative AOA calculation and low altitude/low airspeed are substantially contributing factors in this mishap. Another substantially contributing factor was the ineffective communication of critical information regarding a suggested technique of turning on pitot heat in order to remove moisture from the PTUs prior to performing an air data calibration. The pilot received minor injuries, and the co-pilot received a spinal compression fracture during ejection. He was treated at Tripler Army Medical Center, Hawaii, and released. The aircraft was assigned to the 509th Bomb Wing at Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo. The cost of the lost aircraft is about $1.4 billion.
Skrevet 9. juni 2008 16 år Finnes det noen situasjon eller værforhold der pitot heat må være av i et fly?
Skrevet 9. juni 2008 16 år Vel på småfly ihvertfall trekker den mektig med strøm samt at den kan bli varmeskadet hvis den er på for lenge på bakken hvor den ikke blir kjølt ned.
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