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En liten tur med Alphasim sitt nye fly, F-106. Ja ja, jeg har ikke så mye å si, så jeg slipper til Thom Krus aka Maverik siden det var han som var kusken på denne turen.


Hi there, I am gonna tell you a story about our test flight yesterday.

Me and my partner, callname "Stooge", went on a flight in Alphasims newest creation, the F-106, and we took the "B" model for a spin.


Here's a picture into the cockpit shortly before take off....yay, that's my "workspace", I'm a lucky son of a gun.




The first part of the flight was quite uneventfull, just the usual stuff, but then.....we hit the deck!

I could hear "stooge" chuckle in the back, and it was not to be the last time during this flight.




Time to get some altitude, we are gonna test the radar and see if we cant find some bandits. Gotta put the lunie in the back into work y'know.....this aint a free ride.




Allright, now we got some altitude, and the radar is performing as expected. Shortly after initial test's I hear a "Yahoo" over the intercom. "What's up" I replied, "I g-g-g-got something...let's go and check it out" I heared the joker in the back.

I knew instantly what that ment, a visual with this guy is more like close contact of the third kind (in these instances he claims to be extreemly nearsighted)




To be honest, I dont mind..ha ha ha, so I hit the afterburner and pointed the nose directly for our target, and then I enquired "what type of aircraft is it?"

Heavy breathing comes through the intercom, and a snearing, half-mad voice saying "I dunno papa, we'll find out soon, we'll find out really soon..my son"

A thought flashed through my mind , Stooge is definitly a headcase, and I am lucky to have him as my systems operator, oh well, at least I am doing the flying.




We really came in way too fast, and suddenly I heared "break right, break right" and dived after our target. We blasted by our target "Ha ha ha ha ha, you came too fast" I heard the lunie in the back laugh, "F**k you" I said, "why didn't you say we were that close"

"Bahahahahahaaaaaa" I heared, "I said we were going for a visual didn't I", and again that anoying laughter was heared over the intercom.




So we blew past the DHC 8 by a long shot, this resulted in us having to make a steep turn and come around for a second pass, and here we are again, closing in on our target.




Then Stooge came with his typical request's, "I wanna count the hairs on the pilots eyebrow, muhahahahaha".

I replied "Allright man, I'll get you close enough", but as soon as I was about to get us closer, the bugger (our target) started to make some abrupt manuovers, and at the same time we heared "Wi ar ei sivilian eircræft, juu ar tu neer" on the radio.


We both broke out in a hysterical laughter, "åu, såo ju sei" Stooge replied "vi ar veeeeri sårry", I was dying of laughter, man, Stooge is seriously mentaly handicapped.




Still, through the twist's and turn's I kept close by, and when I saw the wheel's comming out, I knew 'why' he was flying so erratically...ha ha, and I thought at first he was trying to shake us off, but he was actually going to land. I checked our location, we were close to Namsos.




We tried to stay close, but after a few stall's and one spin, we had to give up the pursuit as the dash has a way lower approach speed than what we could match.

"Let's head south and see if we can't pick up something else to play with" I heared from the back.

Why am I letting a lunatic give orders? Oh well, our final destination was in the same heading anyway. I lighted up the burners and up and away we went.




As we got closer to Trondheim, and as contol handed us over to Vearnes approach, madness manifested itself once again in the backseat and I heared "let's hit the deck and dissapear!", followed by a insane chuckle. I knew what he meant, dissapearing from radar, oh what a clever idea.


I dont know if madness is contagious, but I complied, and as we were heading for the deck, we came across the coastal cruiser. An opertunity not to be missed, so we buzzed it and I am sure we gave some passengers a bang for their buck as we stroke ever so gently right above it whith a thunderous "Boom" (Yupp, we broke the sound barrier righ overhead).

And again, a insane chuckling in the back, like a little child.....with mental problems.




And we continued our low level approach to Vaernes, "let's buzz the tower" the mad professor said, and I must admit, I think I had lost it too at this point. The blood was throbbing intensly in my vain's by now. We buzzed the tower, a huge "Wohooo" came from the back, and as we made a turn and came back, the guy's in the tower was ready for us, armed with a camera......and we made the headlines in the newspapers the following day.




As soon as we had passed Vaernes, we hit the deck again, and Stooge came with his usual bright ideas, "hey, let's really hit the deck and see if we can find someone to race with. I've heared that the trønder's are crazy about racing and

showing off their boat's and bragging and stuff, and if we get low enough, they might mistake us for being a boat...come on, come on man...go lower"


Oh man, this guy belongs in a ward and not in a cockpit.....and maybe I do too, coz I followed up on his request.




"Get lower....LOWEEER, eeeHAHAhahahahahaha", I thought,


And as soon as we got low-low, sure enough, people with mustaches in their boat's popped out from nowhere and "begged to race"....and so we did, and guess who won?




Later, further out in the fjord, we buzzed some local sportsfishers, damn it, they tried to ram us, but I was quicker and made a slight left turn to avoid collision.




Yea yea, boring stuff now, our commander came on-line and gave us a good one, followed by a strickt order to land 'without' any unauthorized detours or procedures.


Here we are downwind for RWY 15.




On final.




The shute is deployed and we're slowing down, Stooge spouts out, "man, that was a whole lotta fun", followed by his usual insane laughter, while I am wondering how long we are gonna get grounded.




Who am I kidding, in a virtual world anything goes, and my imaginary commander can kiss my a**





Himmel og hav, litt av en reportasje!! Oppfinnsom story og kreative bilder. Du har ikke all verden av grafikk, men får bonus for gnistrende god fortellerkunst.

  • Forfatter

Takker folkens, og takk til mesteren, Ernst for inspirasjonen til og lage en slik serie.


Båtene er photoshoppet, VG oppslaget er ekte ;)


Kvaliteten på bildene er min feil, jeg bruker SimpicShot programmet, og misstok en instilling for en annen. Jeg stillte inn sharpening til max...lol...ble oversatt til kvalitet (go figure) i mitt hode, og egentlig fungerte det jo motsatt (ihvertfall med 100% sharpening).


Og tro meg, jeg har forsøkt og "soften" de orginale bildene etterpå, men når sharpening mer eller mindre "opphever" AA'en, så skal det mye softening til for og glatte ut sharpening effekten, faktisk en umulig jobb med mindre man er fornøyd med totalt blurry bilder...he he


Også installerte jeg NHancer, og der for alt av framerates (FR) ut av vinduet, av-installerte det, men dårlig FR bestod, samt dårlig AA.

Nå har jeg fått restaurert FR igjen, men ikke helt fornøyd med AA'en enda, men siden jeg ikke har peiling på hva jeg driver med, så tukler jeg ikke unødig med dette igjen.... :whistle:


Men største delen av skylda har nok jeg og min evne til og forstå det som egentlig står skrevet.

I simpicshot programmet står det jo klart og tydelig sharpen, så hvordan jeg tolket det til og representere kvalitet, er en gåte for meg. Forøvrig, så er jo det programmet genialt :)

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