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Satt og lest i VG om denne flyvingen til russerne og kikka på bildet av SU-27. Hvis jeg forsto denne artikkelen riktig så hadde alle flyene vært oppe i over 24 timer. Kan man faktisk gjøre det med feks SU-27??

Første problemet jeg tenkte på var barnslig nok dobesøk.

Hvis jeg skulle sittet fastspent så lenge i en jager hadde det vært fare for en kongle i nikkersen for å si det slik. Er det noen som veit hvordan dette løses?




En flaske ;) neida aner ikke

Satt og lest i VG om denne flyvingen til russerne og kikka på bildet av SU-27. Hvis jeg forsto denne artikkelen riktig så hadde alle flyene vært oppe i over 24 timer.

Fra artikkelen:

Ifølge det russiske flyvåpenet var bombeflyene i luften i mer enn 24 timer til sammen' date=' og karakteriserer øvelsen som vellykket.[/quote']


De sikter til TU-95ene, ikke SU-27ene.


Kan man faktisk gjøre det med feks SU-27??

Med refueling underveis, ja, men tviler på at det skjer med en SU-27 el....


Når det gjelder det med feks dobesøkt. Så vil jeg tro de vil få seg en måte å tømme seg på, når det gjelder urin, så tror jeg nok at de får en "Tissepose" som er festet til en slagen til det du vet.


Piddle packs :)


Had a few scary weeks during the last days of November. Was it the AAA, surface-to-air threat, night tanking, night traps? Nope - we almost ran out of piddle packs. For those of you who have never experienced the 'cheese sandwich,' let me explain. Imagine flying for 8.5 hours - let's say from Boston to LA non-stop - on an airliner with no toilets and 'movement about the cabin' is not only frowned upon, it is prohibited (you can see where I'm going here). When nature calls, the answer is the piddle pack - a small 20-ounce tough plastic bag with a ziploc top, ergonomically designed for cockpit usage, if you get my drift. Well, the word goes out late November that the ship's piddle pack inventory is running dangerously low, a timely re-supply is unlikely and in-flight relief generally needs to slow down, that is unless you were comfortable relieving yourself airborne on yourself.


Panic shot through the squadron and, as usual, we had some folks overact, acting like peed-out piddle pack junkies gong to any means to get their hands on some of the last remaining piddle packs: stealing, looting, begging, chicanery, hanging out in bathrooms and dark passageways looking to trade sex for piddle packs, you name it. One guy was found with TEN piddle packs in his helmet bag during the height of the Piddle Pack Depression and was beaten to within one urine drop of his life by a mob of angry pilots and RIOs, all recently forced to make an arrested carrier landing with a full bladder. Ruthless stuff. My squadron, in keeping with the theme that desperate times require desperate (i.e. moronic) measures, survived these dark days by adopting a completely unsafe personal dehydration plan coupled with the procurement of several emergency in-flight relief vessels/urine storage devices - Gatorade bottles - for those times when bladder evacuation at 32,000 feet was just plain unavoidable. As an aside, donning the ever reliable DEPENDS undergarment was momentarily discussed but instantaneously dismissed. We were all in agreement that the image of a downed Navy fighter pilot in Afghanistan, paraded in front of the cameras on CNN, wearing only DIAPERS would only serve to heighten the fighting spirit and resolve of the Taliban and al Qaeda network world wide.





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