Arne Rasmus Jonasen Skrevet 27. desember 2007 Skrevet 27. desember 2007 fant en oppskrift på avsim-forumet på å utnytte mulighetene i fsx litt bedre. Omsider er denne saken også sp2-kompatibel. (den er vedlagt reply nr 91) måtte bare poste noen bilder, er ganske fornøyd. (bruker også asx, fex, utx og gex) Siter
Frank Olaf Sem-Jacobsen Skrevet 28. desember 2007 Skrevet 28. desember 2007 Flott greier. Har du mulighet til å sammenfatte det som står der i noen få setnigner? Tenker på hvordan installere osv. Det er blitt en meget lang tråd... Siter
Arne Rasmus Jonasen Skrevet 28. desember 2007 Forfatter Skrevet 28. desember 2007 Hei, måten jeg gjorde det på var følgende: aller først lukk fsx dersom det ikke er gjort.. 1. ta backup av Microsoft Games/Microsoft Flight Simulator X/ShadersHLSL/Terrain\\Water20.fxh 2. ta backup av og deretter slett innholdet i C:/Documents and Settings/YOUR NAME/Local Settings/Application Data/Microsoft/FSX/Shaders/Terrain 3. lim inn følgende innhold i Microsoft Games/Microsoft Flight Simulator X/ShadersHLSL/Terrain\\Water20.fxh (med lim inn mener jeg åpne filen i notisblokk, marker all tekst, og velg lim inn.): //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Flight Simulator X - Shader Effect Files // Copyright © 2006, Microsoft Corporation //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #define vLightDir vSunVectorWorld // Potential textures texture Water_BaseTexture : MATERIAL_BASE_TEXTURE; texture Water_EnvTexture : MATERIAL_ENVIRONMENT_TEXTURE; texture Water_BumpTexture : MATERIAL_BUMP_TEXTURE; // Global variables float3 vCamEyePoint : VIEWPOSITION; float fTimeScale : WATER_BUMP_TIME_SCALE; float fBumpScale : WATER_BUMP_SCALE; float fBumpUVScale : WATER_BUMP_UV_SCALE; float fBumpU : WATER_BUMP_DISTANCE_SCALE; float fBumpV : WATER_BUMP_LIGHT_SCALE; float fFresnelFactorMin : WATER_FRESNEL_FACTOR_MIN; float fFresnelFactorMax : WATER_FRESNEL_FACTOR_MAX; float fSpecularPower : SPECULAR_POWER; float fSpecularBoost : SPECULAR_BOOST; float fSpecularBlend : SPECULAR_BLEND; float fBumpRotation : WATER_BUMP_ROTATION; float fBumpTimeX1 : WATER_BUMP_TIME_X1; float fBumpTimeY1 : WATER_BUMP_TIME_Y1; float fBumpTimeX2 : WATER_BUMP_TIME_X2; float fBumpTimeY2 : WATER_BUMP_TIME_Y2; float fBumpTimeScale2 : WATER_BUMP_TIME_SCALE_2; // Samples used by this shader sampler Water_BaseSampler = sampler_state { Texture = (Water_BaseTexture); AddressU = Clamp; // terrain textures must be clamped AddressV = Clamp; MinFilter = (State_MinFilter); MagFilter = (State_MagFilter); MipFilter = (State_MipFilter); MipMapLodBias = (State_MipMapLodBias); }; sampler Water_BumpSampler = sampler_state { Texture = (Water_BumpTexture); AddressU = Wrap; AddressV = Wrap; AddressW = Wrap; MinFilter = D3DTEXF_LINEAR; MagFilter = D3DTEXF_LINEAR; MipFilter = D3DTEXF_LINEAR; MipMapLodBias = (State_MipMapLodBias); }; sampler Water_EnvMapSampler = sampler_state { Texture = (Water_EnvTexture); AddressU = Clamp; AddressV = Clamp; MinFilter = (State_MinFilter); MagFilter = (State_MagFilter); MipFilter = (State_MipFilter); MipMapLodBias = (State_MipMapLodBias); }; struct VSWATER20_INPUT { float4 vPos : POSITION; float4 vColor : COLOR0; float3 vNormal : NORMAL; float2 vTex : TEXCOORD0; }; struct VSWATER20_OUTPUT { float4 vPos : POSITION; float fFog : FOG; half4 vColor : COLOR0; float4 TexBump : TEXCOORD0; float4 TexEnvMap : TEXCOORD1; float4 TexBase : TEXCOORD2; float4 MiscData : TEXCOORD3; float3 vNormalWS : TEXCOORD4; float3 vPosWS : TEXCOORD5; float3 vEyePosWS : TEXCOORD6; float4 TexScreen : TEXCOORD7; }; #define fresnMin 0.1 #define fresnMax 0.6 half fresnel2( half3 vEyeDir, half3 vSurfaceNorm ) { half frdot = min( 1 - dot(vEyeDir, vSurfaceNorm), 1 ); return lerp( fresnMin, fresnMax, frdot * frdot ); } VSWATER20_OUTPUT Water20VS(const VSWATER20_INPUT v,const bool b30Shader) { VSWATER20_OUTPUT o = (VSWATER20_OUTPUT)0; // Transform to clip space o.vPos = mul(v.vPos, mFullProj); // Compute fog o.fFog = ComputeFog(o.vPos.w, FOG_END, FOG_RECIP, FOG_SELECT_VERTEX, FOG_SELECT_TABLE); // Transform to world space float3 vWorldPos = mul(v.vPos, mWorld); // Compute eye vector float3 vEye = normalize(vCamEyePoint - vWorldPos); // Scale normal based bump based on dist //float fNormalScale = max(1.0,length(vEye)-fBumpDistScale); // Scale bumpmap texture coordinates by detail coordinates //float2 bmp = fmod(v.vPos.xz * (fBumpUVScale * 0.0001f),1024.0f); float2 bmp = fmod((vWorldPos.xz + float2(fBumpU, fBumpV) - mWorld[3].xz) * (fBumpUVScale * 0.0001f),256.0f); float2 sc = float2(sin(fBumpRotation),cos(fBumpRotation)); if (b30Shader) { o.TexBump.xy = bmp + (fSimTime * fBumpTimeScale2)*float2(fBumpTimeX1,fBumpTimeY1); = (bmp*fBumpScale) + ((fSimTime * fBumpTimeScale2)*float2(fBumpTimeX2,fBumpTimeY2))/2.0f; = float2(o.TexBump.z * sc.y - o.TexBump.w * sc.x, o.TexBump.z * sc.x + o.TexBump.w * sc.y); } else { o.TexBump.xy = bmp + (fSimTime * fTimeScale)*float2(0.4,-0.4); = (bmp*fBumpScale) + ((fSimTime * fTimeScale)*float2(-1.0,1.0))/2.0f; = float2(o.TexBump.z * sc.y - o.TexBump.w * sc.x, o.TexBump.z * sc.x + o.TexBump.w * sc.y); } // Send out interpolated normal for lighting o.vNormalWS = normalize(TransformVectorToSpace(v.vNormal, mWorld)); // Send out eye pos o.vPosWS = vWorldPos; o.vEyePosWS = vCamEyePoint; // Output vertex color straight to PS // The alpha component is used to represent the relative // depth of the water, used in computing water translucenty // The color component is simply the color scaled by the // diffuse sun lighting component o.vColor.a = v.vColor.a; o.vColor.rgb = 0.5/*( 1 - fresnel2(, ) * 0.5*/; // Environment mapping is determined from the screen-space coordinates // of our geometry. This implies that we need to divide them by W, and then // offset/scale into a 0-1 range. Because of interpolation issues due to front // clipped geometry, the info is pre-processed and passed to the PS where the 1/W // is applied. We also apply the normal to the data to emulate reflections caused // by the animating geometry =; // =*(1.0+0.25*o.vNormalWS.xzy/fNormalScale); o.TexEnvMap.w = 2.0*o.vPos.w; = float3(1,-1,1)*; o.TexScreen.w = 2.0*o.vPos.w; // Diffuse texture coordinates o.TexBase.xy = v.vTex; // Compute per-poly fresnel o.MiscData.x = 1.0 - lerp(fFresnelFactorMin, fFresnelFactorMax, pow(smoothstep(0,1,saturate(-normalize(vWorldPos).y)),0.5)); o.MiscData.y = 0; o.MiscData.z = 0; o.MiscData.w = 0; return o; } float4 Water20PS(VSWATER20_OUTPUT Input, const bool b30Shader) : COLOR { float4 Bump; float2 BumpEnv; float4 Color; float2 specularFactor; // Renomalize the input vectors and determine the // eye vector for lighting and reflection float3 vEyeDirWS; vEyeDirWS = normalize(Input.vEyePosWS - Input.vPosWS); // Sample the base color and bumpmaps // Since this is essentially a texbem style operation, we // manually apply the matrix to the bumpmap values, we then // scale our envmap texcoords by 1/W before factoring in the // bumpmap float3 vSurfaceNorm; if (b30Shader) { Bump = tex2Dbias(Water_BumpSampler, float4(Input.TexBump.xy,0,-2.0f)) + tex2Dbias(Water_BumpSampler, float4(,0,-3.0f)); Bump = normalize(Bump-1.0f); vSurfaceNorm = Bump.xzy; BumpEnv = (Input.TexEnvMap.xy/Input.TexEnvMap.w)+ (0.2f*Bump.xy); } else { Bump = tex2Dbias(Water_BumpSampler, float4(Input.TexBump.xy,0,-2.0f)) + tex2Dbias(Water_BumpSampler, float4(,0,-3.0f)); Bump = normalize(Bump-1.0f); vSurfaceNorm = Bump.xzy; BumpEnv = (Input.TexEnvMap.xy/Input.TexEnvMap.w)+ (0.2f*Bump.xy); } // Compute the diffuse lighting component of the water. float3 vHN; float3 vHN2; vHN = normalize( +; vHN2 = normalize( +; specularFactor = fSpecularBlend*(pow(fSpecularBoost*saturate(float2(dot(vSurfaceNorm, vHN),fSunMoonInterpolant * dot(vSurfaceNorm, vHN2))), fSpecularPower)); // Sample the water textures and determine the final color float4 baseColor = tex2D(Water_BaseSampler, Input.TexBase); float4 envColor = tex2Dbias(Water_EnvMapSampler, float4(BumpEnv.xy,0,1 * (Input.TexScreen.z/Input.TexScreen.w))); float4 terrainColor = baseColor; float fAlpha = baseColor.a; float4 fLand = { baseColor.a, baseColor.a, baseColor.a, baseColor.a }; half fr = fresnel2(,; Color = half4( lerp( baseColor.rgb * Input.vColor.rgb, envColor.rgb, fr ), 1); // return Color; return float4(lerp( + (vSunDirectional * specularFactor.x) + (0.3 * (specularFactor.y + saturate(dot(vSunVectorWorld_Moon,vSurfaceNorm)))).xxx,, fLand),fAlpha); } // ------- 3.0 ---------- float4 Water30PS(VSWATER20_OUTPUT Input) : COLOR { return Water20PS(Input,true); } // ------- 2.0 ---------- float4 Water20PS(VSWATER20_OUTPUT Input) : COLOR { return Water20PS(Input,false); } // ------ VS ------ VSWATER20_OUTPUT Water20VS(VSWATER20_INPUT Input) { return Water20VS(Input,false); } Siter
Arne Rasmus Jonasen Skrevet 28. desember 2007 Forfatter Skrevet 28. desember 2007 burde kanskje nevne at fixen er opprinnelig laget av en ved navn ingvarr, og tilpasset sp2 av en som kaller seg Jase439 på avsim-forumet. Siter
Rasmus Larsen Skrevet 29. desember 2007 Skrevet 29. desember 2007 Hm, jeg kan ikke finde mappen C:\\Documents and Settings\\\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\FSX\\Shaders\\Terrain. Jeg bruger Windows Vista, og det er vel det, der er problemet? Ved du hvor mappen er at finde? Siter
Arne Rasmus Jonasen Skrevet 29. desember 2007 Forfatter Skrevet 29. desember 2007 hei, glemte å opplyse at oppskriften jeg postet kun gjelder xp, se i tråden på avsim-forumet for vista-metode Siter
Steinar Grindstein Skrevet 29. desember 2007 Skrevet 29. desember 2007 Og man må aktivere fungsjonen vise skjulte filer å mapper om jeg ikke tar feil. Siter
Rasmus Larsen Skrevet 29. desember 2007 Skrevet 29. desember 2007 Ja, så fandt jeg ud af det! Tak! Siter
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