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..Når de så kom til akten' date=' sa hun at hun måtte holde et kjøkkenredskap (mixmaster etc...) for å tenne.[/quote']


*Grøss*, dette høres jo direkte risikabelt ut - spør du meg! Da kan jo

det jo fort bli reneste risikosporten, spesiellt hvis det er strøm på

mixmasteren/stavmixer og hun har den litt for langt "ned".. au ja! :eek:




Uff da.. Var det værst for hesten eller for han som utførte dette?


På den andre, siden tror jeg han skal være glad han ikke levde for 150-200 år siden. Da hadde det ført til halshugging i København...


Det var strengt forbudt og drive med dyresex da, og straffen for utukten var og bli ett hode kortere.. Noen ganger lurer jeg litt på om ikke noe lignende hadde vært "bra" i dag også. Dyresex er jo ikke helt bra da...


Men det kan jo hende det manglet noe oppe i toppetasjen hos fyren..?





Hvorfor? Er ikke akkuratt giftige saker da... Høres litt ut som et ondsinnet rykte spør du meg.




Psychological and research perspectives


The established view held by the overwhelming majority of professionals in the field of psychology is that zoophilia is a mental disorder. Although DSM-III-R (APA, 1987) stated that sexual contact with animals is almost never a clinically significant problem by itself (Cerrone, 1991), and therefore both this and the later DSM-IV (APA, 1994) subsumed it under the residual classification "paraphilias not otherwise specified", it continues to be defined as a disorder. The World Health Organization takes the same position, listing a sexual preference for animals in its ICD-10 as "other disorder of sexual preference".[24]


The first detailed studies of zoophilia date from prior to 1910. Peer reviewed research into zoophilia in its own right started around 1960. However, a number of the most oft-quoted studies, such as Miletski, were not published in peer-reviewed journals. There have been several significant modern books, from Masters (1962) to Beetz (2002), but each of them has drawn and agreed on several broad conclusions:

The critical aspect to study was emotion, relationship, and motive, it is important not to just assess or judge the sexual act alone in isolation, or as "an act", without looking deeper. (Masters, Miletski, Beetz)

Zoophiles' emotions and care to animals can be real, relational, authentic and (within animals' abilities) reciprocal, and not just a substitute or means of expression. (Masters, Miletski, Weinberg, Beetz)[25]

Most zoophiles have (or have also had) long term human relationships as well or at the same time as zoosexual ones. (Masters, Beetz);[26]

Society in general at present is considerably misinformed about zoophilia, its stereotypes, and its meaning. (Masters, Miletski, Weinberg, Beetz)[27]

Contrary to popular belief, there is in fact significant popular or "latent" interest in zoophilia, either in fantasy, animal mating, or reality. (Nancy Friday, Massen, Masters)

The distinction between zoophilia and zoosadism is a critical one, and highlighted by each of these studies.

Masters (1962), Miletski (1999) and Weinberg (2003) each comment significantly on the social harm caused by these, and other common misunderstandings: "This destroy the lives of many citizens".


More recently, research has engaged three further directions - the speculation that at least some animals seem to thrive in a zoosexual relationship,[28] the thesis of psychological research that zoosexuality is closer to a sexual orientation than a sexual fetish, and the supposition that science apparently is closing in on confirming the capacity for authentic emotion in animals, and their enjoyment and choice of actions (including sex) driven by an internal feeling that certain things are pleasurable.[29]


Jepp da, det er nok mere utbredt enn man tror (utrolig nok!). "Snublet" bl.a. over en film på nettet (sammen med noen venner i lystig lag), der det var en rimelig lang og detaljert "seanse" lagret på film: det hele begynte kort fortalt med, at de rullet ut en diger pressening/plast-sak ut på stuegulvet. Dermed kledde de av seg, og alle 5/6 personene rullet rundt - og koste seg med hverandres ekskrementer og urin. Drakk og spiste mens det kom ut fra hverandre, og gnidde seg inn med dette - fra topp til tå... ja ja, enda godt vi allerede hadde spist sier nå jeg... :sick:

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