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sakset fra Israels offisielle luftforsvars sider. ( http://www.iaf.org.il )


One-winged landing


In the summer of 1983, an Israeli F-15 staged a mock dogfight with Skyhawks for training purposes, near Nahal Tzin in the Negev desert. During the exercise, one of the Skyhawks miscalculated and collided forcefully with the F-15's wing root. The F-15's pilot was aware that the wing had been seriously damaged, but decided to try and land in a nearby airbase. It was only after he had landed, when he climbed out of the cockpit and looked backward, that the pilot realized what had happened: the wing had been completely torn off the plane, and he had landed the plane with only one wing attached.


A few months later, the damaged F-15 had been given a new wing, and returned to operational duty in the squadron. The engineers at McDonnell Douglas had a hard time believing the story of the one-winged landing: as far as their planning models were concerned, this was an impossibility.



Så historien er nok reel den ""

Selve filmen er kun illustrasjon.




Hehe, troverdigheten til denne hendelsen ble diskutert side opp og side ned på diverse aviation forum. Dette var før filmen ble tilgjengelig, alt man fikk se var et bilde som så ut som det enten var rimelig photoshoppet, eller hvis ekte ble antatt å vise en flightline accident.


Når filmen kom ut, (i tillegg til HUD tapes som ble tilgjengelige) fikk i grunn pipa en annen låt. Det virker som denne uvirkelige situasjonen virkelig skjedde.


Det sier bare litt om liftegenskapen til flykroppen til Eaglen når piloten bare trodde han hadde flight-surface skade, og at han klarte å lande en så skadet fugl.



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