Skrevet 11. mai 2006 18 år FPI NOTAM 10/05/2006 - FPI announces New Structure ... FLIGHTPROJECT International Announces New Network Structure and Medium-term Plans We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the excellent recommendations you have provided over the past weeks. We have spent hours upon hours in online meetings going over all details and coming-up with a future-oriented, success-driven structure. We are certain we have now produced a structure which will take us into the next generation and beyond. As of today the network Providers will continue to offer the network structure, while a small independent Advisory Committee will be founded to offer guidance on future directions. Furthermore, each country will be lead by a group of dedicated staff members and allotted regions will be supported by assigned regional staff. The following positions are now available on a Regional Level: Regional President … (i.e. Regional President Africa) Regional Vice President … Regional ATC Director … Regional Pilot Director … Regional Marketing / Events Director … Regional Virtual Airlines Director … Regional WebServices Director … FPI Regions are divided into the following (based on ICAO codes): Africa (DFGH); Asia (UZ); Central America (MT); East Asia (VR); Europe (BEL); Far East (O); North America (CKP); Oceana (NY); South America (S); South East Asia (W). The following positions are now available on a Country Level: Country President … (i.e. Country President Belgium) Country Vice President … Country ATC Director … Country Pilot Director … Country Marketing / Events Director … Country Virtual Airlines Director … Country WebServices Director … Regional set-ups are responsible for a particular region. However, once a country within that region becomes occupied the Regional set-up is no longer completely responsible for that particular country. In this case the responsibility for that particular country passes over to the Country set-up. However, the Regional set-up still remains responsible for the non-occupied countries within their region. In cases where all countries are occupied within a particular region the Regional set-up will continue to undertake cross-country communication / coordination. Presidents are responsible for staffing their entire region / country. Furthermore, each staff position comes along with a job description together with a minimum set of requirements to be fulfilled (i.e. minimum number of hours online per week, minimum number of events, minimum number of pilot training sessions, minimum number of pilot ATC sessions, minimum number of hotline support hours, etc). Presidents will be required to replace staff members not meeting their minimum requirements. Furthermore, the FPI Providers will be forced to replace any President not meeting his/her minimum requirements. All staff positions will be honoured with an official staff title, badge and e-mail address. Additionally, every country will be required to maintain a ‘country’ website, based on a predefined template, for their local members. ATC and pilot training will be put back into place on a local level. Training documentation will also be made available for all members. As a result of this an examination system will be reinstated for upgrades in various ATC and pilot rankings. Applications for positions start today! If you are interested in occupying a certain position please send an e-mail to indicating the level (regional / country), region / country (i.e. Africa / Belgium), and title (i.e. President / VA Director). Within the next few days we will be ready with the individual job descriptions / minimum requirements and will make these available to interested members. As you are aware several systems mentioned in this NOTAM are not available on the current website. We are already in the process of modifying this and will be making these features available over the coming weeks. And, we are not stopping there. On the slate is a new pilot client, an updated ATC client, a brand new exclusive desktop tool and something designed specifically for the Virtual Airlines. Lots of exciting things are planned. Lots of exciting things are already in the making. Lots of exciting times to be had. We look forward to seeing both old members and new members alike filling our virtual regions, countries and ultimately skies! For Additional Infomation please contact: Grant Mahmutovic
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