Skrevet 2. april 2006 18 år Jepp dere leste riktig og 1. April var i går. Koorby har startet en månedlig screenshotkonkuranse der premien er et valgfritt produkt fra Carenado. Første vinner blir kåret 1. Mai. Da starter også en ny konkuranse med samme premie. Så har du en liten kunstner i deg og kunne tenkt deg et lite addon fra Carenado...Klikk deg inn på: Vista Australis ...og meld deg inn i forumet og delta. Akkurat DITT bilde kan bli vinneren. Lykke til!
Skrevet 5. april 2006 18 år Forfatter STOP PRESS !! STOP PRESS!! We have received a generous donation of US$250 from Richard Wilson (rick66) which is intended to fund the prizes for April, May and June and award equal first, second and third prizes! Now three people each month will be awarded a plane to choose from the Carenado collection! Three cheers for Richard! Hello VOZsters! Yes! We have a monthly comp, and we are offering a prize each month. This month, on offer is any plane from the wonderful Carenado stable. This could be the chance to snaffle that 206G you've been lusting after! Here's the conditions: 1. No limit to the number of entries, but the judges are looking for QUALITY over quanitity 2. All shots no larger than 800x600 3. Seperate Topic for each screenshot entered 4. No image editing is allowed, with the exception of these filters: a. Sharpen (no more than 20%) b. Saturation (no more than 25%) c. Brightness and Contrast (no more than 20%) These 3 filters are allowed to compensate for loss of clarity in downsizing to 800x600 and to compensate for differing quality monitors used. 5. Entries close 30th April, 30th May and 30th June 6. Winners announced 1st May, 1st June and 1st July 7. The prize is payment of the equivalent cost of your choice of Carenado aircraft into your PayPal account. If you don't have a PayPal account, please create one at (or for us Aussies) to be eligible to obtain the prize. You may also elect to receive a cash alternative prize equivalent to the price of a Carenado plane if you already have that model. 8. The judges' decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into regard the winning decision. 9. The judging panel is koorby, Teecee, Stariol and Triton. Those four people are ineligble to enter. Good luck and impress the heck out of us!
Skrevet 5. april 2006 18 år Takker for tipset!...... Ser spennende ut. Grafikk kortet mitt har tatt kvelden!!!! ... Håper på å være oppe igjen i løpet av en uke..
Skrevet 5. april 2006 18 år litt synd at jeg bortimot har skrapet hyllene for hva som er av produkter til Carenado før jeg så denne da..
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