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Jeg synes ATC Simulator virker svært lovende!

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Dersom noen vet om det er rmulig å bestille via internet uten å bruke kortet, kanskje med postoppkrav eller ved å sende kontonr via fax/telefon, så er jeg veldig interesert i å få vite om dette!

Ha en god dag?




Se på denne siden:

http://www.pcaviator.com/shatc.htm"'>http://www.pcaviator.com/shatc.htm" TARGET=_blank>http://www.pcaviator.com/shatc.htm

,...ganske langt ned på siden står det "Download Mail Order Form", trykk på denne og vips så har du et ark i .PDF-format med diverse muligheter for bestilling. Jeg kikka på det før jul en gang, da virka det. Håper du finner tilfredsstillende bestillingsmåter der! Prøvde det nå, bare for å teste, men pga gammel leser fikk jeg ikke åpna dokumentet, men hvis du ikke sitter på jobben og bruker en pc kjøpt av staten for mange år siden går det sikkert bra.

Det finnes en side for ATC2000, som er en "ny versjon" av den forrige linken. Denne siden er det også link til på forsida av "Flightsim.no":

http://atc2000.virtualave.net/"'>http://atc2000.virtualave.net/" TARGET=_blank>http://atc2000.virtualave.net/

,... men her finner du bare VISA/MasterCard o.l. bestillingsmuligheter.

Venter forøvrig veldig spent på ATC2000 jeg også. Siden den har blitt utsatt så mange ganger får vi håpe at den blir bra, men...

Ja, den har vel bytta navn fra ATC2000 til ATC Simulator kom jeg på.


Med hilsen Anders Presterud, flygelederaspirant ved Sola tårn-/innflygingskontroll

[Endret av Anders Presterud 09-01-2001.]



Fint det gikk bra. Si fra når du mottar "nyheten" da. Skal bestille den snart jeg også, men jeg venter litt og ser om kanskje Amazon skal ta den inn. De selger den "garantert" en del billigere (?).


Med hilsen Anders Presterud, flygelederaspirant ved Sola tårn-/innflygingskontroll


Litt reklame om "ATC Simulator", produsenten og distributøren:


For Editorial Information

Robert Ferraro

E-mail: robertf@pcaviator.com



MURRELLS INLET, SOUTH CAROLINA, 10 JANUARY 2001. Flight Simulator software publisher, PC Aviator, today announced that its highly anticipated, ground-breaking Air Traffic Control Simulator, titled ATC Simulator, has gone gold and is entering its final phase of production for worldwide distribution in the first week of February 2001.

ATC Simulator is a unique and highly authentic simulation that puts the user in front of the radar scope as an Air Traffic Controller safely guiding and controlling arrivals and departures into over 51 TRACON facilities in the USA.

TRACON is the acronym for Terminal Radar Approach CONtrol facility. It's the particular facility in the complex Air Traffic Control system that is concerned with sequencing aircraft into and out of major airports where the traffic volume requires one for safe passage of aircraft. ATC Simulator simulates the experience of being in front of a scope and controlling air traffic at a TRACON with uncanny realism.

ATC Simulator has a host of advanced features including:

A completely authentic radar scope with all the display capability and functionality of an actual ARTS-IIIa radar scope

Real World traffic based on actual traffic that flies into each airport

The user can work any shift at any of the included TRACONs

The user can act as departure controller, approach controller, or both simultaneously

Voice recognition support right out of the box. The user can opt to control the aircraft using a microphone and headset or using a traditional keyboard.

Career tracking and assessment feature that has the user working his way up the ATC ranks.

Over 40,000 unique aircraft flight plans have been recorded to provide the user with thousands upon thousands of hours of entertainment and edutainment.

ATC Simulator will appeal to the masses from serious flight simulator enthusiasts, to prospective future Air Traffic Controllers, through to anyone who has had even the slightest curiosity about what it would be like to experience the high stress world of aircraft traffic control.

Developed by Aerosoft (USA) and published by PC Aviator, ATC Simulator will ship worldwide to distribution channels in the first week of February 2001 and has a suggested retail price of $59.95.

More information is available at the ATC Simulator website at http://www.pcaviator.com/atcsimulator." TARGET=_blank>www.pcaviator.com/atcsimulator.

About PC Aviator

Founded in Australia in 1990, PC Aviator's US subsidiary, PC Aviator Inc is based in South Carolina. PC Aviator publishes high quality flight simulation software, expansions and add-ons including the popular MegaScenery series, Computer Pilot Magazine - a international newsstand flight simulator magazine, and also operates a direct sales division - PC Aviator Direct.

About Aerosoft

Aerosoft was founded in Arlington, TX in 1988 by Russell B. Davis. ATC Simulator is designed and developed by Mr Davis who has a background of over 12 years of research in Air Traffic Control and Air Traffic Control software applications. He has developed some notable software titles including the European Sector Disk for TRACON II, the ATC for Windows Scenario Generator and the Smiths Industries Flight Management Computer Simulator for United States Navy E6-A Navigator Students at Tinker AFB, OK. Mr Davis has also developed software to enhance Wesson International's TRACON/Pro at CAMI (Civil Aeromedical Institute) and has served as a consultant to research at CAMI in ATC data link studies. He has also worked as a consultant for companies such as Boeing and McDonnell Douglas, as well as the FAA."

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