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Perhaps you are already being informed about VACC Hungary’s „mega”

event called Budapest Overload 2005, but I would like to send a

personal invitation as well.


We would like to invite the Scandinavian ATC as well to have fun with


Furthermore, I would like to have your help in advertising the event.

We really like Scandinavian pilots, and I guess they like our service

as well, so we would be pleased if you could post an invitation text

to the main pilot forums.


And here are some more details about the flyin.


The flyin will take 12 hours. It will start at 1100Z and finish at

2300Z. Date is 26th of February, 2005. Location is – maybe you already

figured out – Budapest, Ferihegy (BUD/LHBP) "" .


During a 12-hour period VACCHUN is planning to staff 5 positions:

Budapest Control, Budapest Approach, Ferihegy Tower, Ferihegy Ground

and OCC. However you can expect Eurocontrol East, Maastrich Radar and

Bratislava Radar at the whole event.


We mean it to be quite an event: during 6 shifts control Budapest, we

expect 260 flights. This means one takeoff or landing in less than

every 3 minutes. During the peak time this period decreases to 1 and a

half minute.


For further information do not hesitate to check the daily updating

website of the event: www.vacchun.hu/ho


Thanks in advance for your help and hope see you at last on the flyin!


Best regards,


Balazs Kozma






Peter (vaccsca15)


Vi har en "checkliste" vi må igjennom for å få lov å fly her, ser det er noen regler


En av dem er å kunne lokale prosedyrer, så det er bare å laste ned kart og lese...anbefaler alle å ta en tur før flyinnet ""


Alle må ha (som dere selv kan lese mer om på siden) kart, scenery, kunne å lese kartene, prosedyrer og øl (tilfelle holding står det "")


Vi får se om jeg blir med.. var da fristene ""

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