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UAL Challenges FS Pilots for Full Motion to PC Simulator Comparison


Posted: Friday, August 13, 2004 - 22:57

How does flying a 747-400 with Microsoft's Flight Simulator 2004 compare with the real thing?


Jason Hartmann, Senior Staff Engineer at United Airline's Flight Center in Denver wants to know—and to find out he's offering this terrific invitation to 6 lucky simmers: Fly approaches with your FS Boeing 747-400 into Chicago's O'Hare International Airport, then repeat those in UAL's 747-400 full motion simulator! The cost to you? Nothing—you just have to live in the Denver area (or be willing to cover your own travel expenses if you're selected).


As Jason puts it, "I'd like to bring in a couple of AVSIM enthusiasts (to crew each session) who feel they are competent 'pilots' based on their use of Microsoft Flight Simulator (or other PC based simulator) and see how well they can fly our full motion flight simulators. I'd like to find six people who have never flown a full motion simulator or aircraft and ask them to practice an approach into O'Hare before they came here. After they have practiced it, I'd bring them into our facility and let them try the approach in the simulator with motion and different conditions (winds, turbulence, visibility, etc.) and see how well the PC simulator prepared them for the "real" thing. We have a simulator digital recording tool—the FlightViz simulator debrief tool—that records the flights so we can play back the results at the conference."


Here's the criteria to qualify:


1. Have not flown a full-motion simulator and are not private pilots (the intent is to compare just your experience of MS FlightSim.


2. Be proficient in flying either the default FS2004 747-400 or any 3rd party 747-400 aircraft and panel. The 'Panel for FS2004', by Ken Mitchell (744km_panel.zip available from the Avsim Library) is recommended.


3. Be available at the Denver Flight Center on one of the following dates:

August 16th 0800-1200

August 24th 1400-1800

August 31st 1400-1800


Given the very short notice, we need just two qualified volunteers (one "crew") for the August 16th session. This amounts to almost a "first come - first served" opportunity!


AVSIM will select participants based on their interest in and knowledge of ATP flying—in addition to being available for one of the full motion sim sessions and of course their having registered to attend at least Sunday's presentations session. Contact Maurice Pratt, AVSIM's Conference presentations coordinator to request a slot. Please briefly describe your interest and experience in ATP sim flying in your e-mail response.


We'll announce the 4 additional volunteer selections (two "crews") for the other two sessions by Friday, August 20.


Jason explains, "We'll use Chicago O'Hare runway 14R. We'll have the volunteer practice with MS FlightSim in calm/clear conditions, and with wind/reduced visibility. I'll have each volunteer fly an approach, with the other volunteer performing the non-flying duties and then they will switch. I'm thinking of 3-4 approaches with increasing winds, decreasing visibility."

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