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Concord. Hvor mange........?

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Hei, dere som "digger" Concord.

Hadde en diskusjon med noen på jobben her forleden dag. Diskusjonen gjaldt hvor mange Concord-fly som ble bygget og satt i rute, av Storbritania og England, totalt.


Her måtte jeg bare melde pass. Derfor spør jeg dere her på forumet: Hvor mange Concord-fly ble bygget?





In total 20 Concordes were built between 1966 and 1979. The first 2 Concordes were prototype models, one built in France and the other in England.

Another 2 pre-production prototypes were built to further refine design and test out ground breaking systems before the production runs, of only 16 aircraft in total, commenced in both countries.

The first production aircraft off each production line did not enter service but acted as a test bed for production techniques, airline training and further development work. They also paved the way for the granting of airworthiness certification as well as providing extensive route proving information.


In the end only British Airways and Air France purchased Concordes, with the airlines initially purchasing 5 and 4 aircraft respectively. The 5 surplus models were placed with the airlines in 1980 and eventually purchased for a nominal cost of £1 / 1 Franc each at the end of the Concorde programme a few years later, as part of a multi million pound support costs deal. British Airways acquired the 2 unsold UK built aircraft, while Air France bought the 3 unsold French built craft.


British Airways have a fleet of 7 aircraft while Air France had 5 aircraft. The British Airways Concordes have over 150,000 hours of flight time so far, which equates to nearly 50,000 flights,while Air France have over 105,000 hrs of flight time. The two prototypes, two pre production and one first production model are now on show in museums on both sides of the channel. The first British production Concorde is now owned by BA and used for spares.


Air France returned 4 aircraft to service after the Paris accident in July 2000, of the others; one was retired for spares use in 1982, one never completed a D check (due to retirement) and the final one was the aircraft lost in the accident. The 4 servicable aircraft were retired to museums in France, Germany and the US.


British Airways operate 5 aircraft with a further 2 in storage at London Heathrow, that were not modified post accident, and have been withdrawn from service


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Takk for svaret, Roy og Thomas.

Nå kan jeg gå på jobben å "briefe" mine kolleger med at jeg vet nok hvor mange Concord som er blitt bygget. Hm....




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