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Multiplayerserveren er nok nede nå av samme grunn som filbiblioteket var nede for en stund siden. Vi venter på at Kvalito finner ut av feilen (om ikke Dag har fått den tilsendt nå?). Så det er vel ingen som vet når feilen blir fjernet.


beklager at jeg ikke er Dag


Da kan jeg beklage at du svarte på feil spørsmål ""

De jobber med en ny versjon av multiplayer server, men om dette er på grunn av at den gamle ikke er kompatibel med 2004 vet jeg ikke.




Her er litt info på "utanlansk" om den nye serveren.


All versions of FS use DirectPlay (part of DirectX) for their network connections. FS2000 and FS2002 used the DirectPlay 7 functions internally, and FS2004 uses the newer DirectPlay 8 functions. Don't confuse this with the version of DX on your machine, or which version is required in order to play the game -- it has nothing to do with that -- it's which functions are used internally.


Because 2004 switched to the newer functions, it means that any program that joins or hosts a game will need major rewrites to the code. Off the top of my head, this will include:







And anything else that joins as a pilot or observer.


FSUIPC is different, since it's a DLL with direct access into the memory on the local machine -- it doesn't join the session like the other programs do. I don't know what the status of FSUIPC is for 2004, but I assume the transition will be easier, or I should say "different", since it doesn't use DirectPlay. I assume other programs like ActiveSky will be in this same category, since they don't join the session as a player.


Regardless of the changes to DirectPlay, 2004 uses a different game ID (GUID) to connect to other 2004 programs, just like 2002 used a different ID than 2000, 98, etc. This means that just as with previous versions, 2004 can only connect to other 2004's.


SquawkBox is going to have a real tough time I think... This is because one of the changes MS made to 2004 is how a player connects to the session. In 2002, SB was able to join the session once, and then create up to 14 "fake" players in the game, to represent the closest 14 players to wherever you were in the game. As you (or the other players) moved away from each other, it replaced some of the players with other players, so it always looked like there was traffic around you. But there was always only one "real" connection, which was SB itself. In 2004, it *seems* as tho there's a rule that one connection = one player, and I haven't seen yet a way to create fake players in the game. This would mean that SB would have to create 14 real connections to the game, to get the 14 fake players, and then disconnect and reconnect as needed to create more. I don't work on SB, so this is just my guess, but I think it'll take a lot of work to support 2004.


Håper det er til noe hjelp.

  • Forfatter

Jeg har prøvd å koble opp til en server, men den funka ikke.. Men hvorfor sies det at Serveren på flightsim er nede, når jeg tidligere idag så en observatør og en pilot der?


Kommer sikkert en update til SB

Multiplayerserveren er nok nede nå av samme grunn som filbiblioteket var nede for en stund siden. Vi venter på at Kvalito finner ut av feilen (om ikke Dag har fått den tilsendt nå?). Så det er vel ingen som vet når feilen blir fjernet.


Går det ikke ann å legge multiplayer servern her også da ?

På samme måte som filbiblioteket ?

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