Swedish fly-in registration still open until Friday 23:00Z
I forgot the link but here it is; http://www.sweden-artcc.nu/events/essa_hd0312/index.php3"'>http://www.sweden-artcc.nu/events/essa_hd0312/index.php3" TARGET=_blank>http://www.sweden-artcc.nu/events/essa_hd0312/index.php3
Swedish fly-in registration still open until Friday 23:00Z
Hi! I just want to inform you that the registration for the Swedish fly-in is still open and we would love to see some more Norwegian pilots. However, this is not for long since the registration will close tomorrow at 23:00Z. So, please visit the link below and help us fill the "vacant" assignments. As you can see pilots flying Saab 340/2000 and Fokker 50 are specially needed but if you are flying another type of arircraft, don't hesitate to send in your application and we will look up a suitable flight for you. See you on Saturday! Staffan Holst Director Sweden ARTCC
Swedish real-world flow fly-in 12th March 2000
Hello Norway! On Sunday 12th of March between 15:00 - 18:00 UTC/Z, Sweden ARTCC will arrange a special fly-in. The goal is to simulate the real domestic traffic flow to and from Stockholm/Arlanda. Since Stockholm/Arlanda is the largest airport in Sweden, with departures and arrivals about every minute, we will need about 100 - 150 pilots to fill the Swedish airspace and fly the many different routes from Stockholm to sometimes exotic places around our northern country. Who knows, the lucky one might spot one or two Swedish elks along the way... More comprehensive information can be read on the new Sweden ARTCC pages on http://www.sweden-artcc.nu/"'>http://www.sweden-artcc.nu/" TARGET=_blank>http://www.sweden-artcc.nu/ Welcome! Staffan Holst Director Sweden ARTCC
Swedish "Bermuda" triangle fly-in 4th Dec 1999
Hello! On Saturday the 4th of December between 17:00 - 20:00 UTC/Z another quite different fly-in will take place in Sweden arranged by the Sweden ARTCC division. This fly in will take place above the dark forests of Blekinge and the even darker fields of Skåne and the goal for each pilot will be to visit three selected airports as many times as possible and collect points during the event time of three hours without putting safty matters aside. During this fly-in we are also going to test a new addon program for the RW that will allow the user to type the new freq into FS chat window for an automatic freq change in RW. The creator of the RW tool is Christopher Carlander and we thank him for a great work! This is the first Swedish fly-in focusing on other goals then just normal flight - I hope we get a lot of participants and please feel very welcome to join us and read more about the event on the Sweden ARTCC-pages! http://home.swipnet.se/sweden-artcc/index.html"'>http://home.swipnet.se/sweden-artcc/index.html" TARGET=_blank>http://home.swipnet.se/sweden-artcc/index.html Best regards Staffan Holst Director Sweden ARTCC
Swedish RW part II fly-in today 17:00 - 20:20 UTC
Hello! Just want to inform you all that the pre registrations for the RW fly-in part II is now closed. How ever - if any one wants to fly with us to night, just log on , send in a flight plan and off yo go. The fly-in begins at 17:00 UTC/Z and ends at 20:30 UTC/Z. Swedish local time is +1 hour UTC/Z. Welcome! Best regards Staffan Holst Sweden ARTCC
RW-fly-in part II in Sweden on Sunday 7/11
Hello! I here by want to inform and invite all FS users to participate in the Swedish Roger Wilco fly-in on Sunday between 17:00 - 19:30 UTC/Z. This time we will try out a new standard on voice channel rooms and as usual every pilot will get two flight assignments to fly. We have also minimized the ATC-positions in use so a really dense radio traffic situation can occur. More information can be found at: http://home.swipnet.se/sweden-artcc/index.html"'>http://home.swipnet.se/sweden-artcc/index.html" TARGET=_blank>http://home.swipnet.se/sweden-artcc/index.html Welcome and have fun! Staffan Holst Director Sweden ARTCC
RW-flyin in Sweden on Sunday
Hello! As you know the standard voice program used for providing ATC with Squawkbox and Pro Controller is Battelfield Communicator. This program provides a splendid sound quality but often the server unit seems to go down when the number of users reaches about 15 - 20. I have been testes a base station server for the Roger Wilco for tha past week and it occurs that this server unit is much more stable than BC-server. Therefore the Sweden ARTCC is going to run a full scale test with the Roger Wilco server on a some what special fly-in on Sunday 18/10 between 16:00 - 18:00 UTC/Z. All pilots within the SATNET community are more than welcome to join us. We hope to get a very dense traffic situation due to only two different destinations will be used. All pilots will get an individual flight plan and we hope to see you there. Read more at the Sweden ARTCC main page: http://home.swipnet.se/sweden-artcc/index.html"'>http://home.swipnet.se/sweden-artcc/index.html" TARGET=_blank>http://home.swipnet.se/sweden-artcc/index.html Best regards Staffan Holst Director Sweden ARTCC staffan.holst@swipnet.se
Swedish domestic fly-in tomorrow Sunday 14:00 - 17:00 UTC/Z
Greatings! As you might have heard, there will be a fly-in in Sweden tomorrow between 14:00 - 17:00 UTC/Z (16:00 - 19:00 local Swedish time). This event is arranged by Scandinavian Virtual Airlines and Sweden ARTCC. All pilots will get flight assignments and a lot of controllers will be online. For those who want to join us it's not too late. Read more at Sweden ARTCC homepage. Also note that you do not need to be an active pilot in Scandinavian Virtual Aitlines to join - all pilots from any VA are welcome. Best regards! Staffan Holst Director Sweden ARTCC
Staffan Holst
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