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  1. Thank you for all the great resources you posted in the other thread! This scenery would not have been made without them and they were great motivation to get it done. I hope you all enjoy it and hopefully me and Wombii remember to update it every once in a while with some improvements
  2. Have been trying to learn modelling for the past week or so. This is what the ENML Maintenance building entrance is looking like right now (textures are not final). FSDesigns
  3. Sorry we don't know any Norwegian 😝. Work is still continuing and yes it is taking a long time we know, there have been a lot of hurdles on the way with completing this scenery and currently nearly everything within the sim is complete. The 3d modeler that was working at FSDesigns left for personal reasons so now we have had no modeler for some time and I am trying to learn blender myself to at least have buildings within the sim. Here are a few more previews: Thank you FSDesigns
  4. ENML fix is ready, WU5 ENML fix - FSDesigns » Microsoft Flight Simulator. Enjoy!
  5. Yeah ENML - Molde is now flat for some reason, my guess is there is some sort of flatten which has been applied. Currently working on a quick fix, no promises but should work.